Saturday, July 20, 2013

Boston Cream Pie-let for Secret Recipe Club

I have mixed feelings about this month's recipe for our monthly post for The Cake Slice Bakers.
The cake for this month is Boston Cream Pie-lets-Page 53
 from the book Vintage Cakes from Julie Richardson. 

See, this recipe is not a pie, is actually a cake-very good I have to say- fill with vanilla pudding and topped with a rich chocolate ganache.  

I love ganache and I also love pudding, but I do not really like to eat pudding as filling in a cake, some how I feel it in my mouth too wet ( yes, weird)

The  recipe in the book has been redesigned to make small individual cakes which can be served in pudding cups or even mason jars. I baked 3 small 4" round cakes and make one tall little cake.

I am excited to try next's month recipe. I can't tell you what it is, but I know it will be a hit!


Paloma said...

You did an amazing job! Loved it! not as much pudding, I see... you stayed on the safe side of what you like... and that's smart :P ... I must tell you that if you make the cakes thin enough (like in the recipe) and use "all that pudding" it all becomes "one" so you don't get a weird feeling... (I think) ... I loved it! :) So exciting to see you bake with us!

Hello said...

Looks delicious, the ganache is gorgeous x

Unknown said...

Oh my! I think I like your little cake more than the pie-lets. This is way too cute and sweet looking :) Great job!

Anne@ASaladForAllSeasons said...

Hi Kathia! And I had mixed feelings about this cake as well. I felt that it was more of a pudding than a cake. And I guess I was hoping for more of the original! Yours turned out beautifully. Perfect layers and it looks so good!

Anonymous said...

I like how you've turned it into a cake, it looks lovely.

Emily said...

Love your adaptation of our July's recipe. It worked!

Hazel said...

I'm with Becca... mini cakes instead of pie-lets. Great idea Kathia. Hazel x

All That's Left Are The Crumbs said...

I am glad that you were able to come up with a good compromise for this months recipe. It certainly looks yummy.

Anonymous said...

I love the mini cakes idea!! And it looked soo pretty. I also am not a big fan of pudding with my cake, but glad you gave it a try. Your pictures are gorgeous too!

Stacie said...

Your ganache looks divine!

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