Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Sweets

I hope everyone had a nice Easter, my was quite interesting. On Friday, before Ester weekend I baked some of my sweets. My friend Lauretta invited me to spend the day at her house, my share was to bring dessert. I was happy I baked everything pretty much on Friday because Saturday morning Camilla woke up with a really bad cold, runny nose and high fever, so I spend my day taking care of her and her really bad mood, but I don't blame her, she wasn't feeling well. Your not asking, but by Sunday morning she was not improving and I was feeling like crap... headache, runny nose!! Button line I have been sick for 4 days. Any way here are some pics from my baking day. Key Lime Tarts
Chocolate cupcakes filled with semisweet chocolate ganache and top with strawberry whip cream and fresh strawberries.

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.

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