Friday, April 24, 2009

New Upcoming Projects and Giveaway

I am so excited about this post, keep reading I will tell why. Well, last week I met someone when I was delivering the Sesame Street cake, I spoke with this person just for a little bit since I was pretty much on my way to the emergency room. It turn out this person need it a birthday cake for May 2, I offered my services and we agreed to talk today to discuss price and details on the cake. When I call this person today I was a little scare about telling the price, since good cakes are expensive and sometimes people just don't understand the amount of work that I big cake has. To my surprise not only am I going to get pay what I ask for, but a few extra bucks, which come very handy. Since I am always reading all the giveaways that other blogs have, and of course I always enter and I never win, I thought that it will be fun to have one myself. I don't have a lot of money, so this is a very humble giveaway ( if I win the lottery soon, future prices can improve)
So this is my idea: I will giveaway a $15 gift card , you can pick any of these stores(pick just one, is only one gift card)
-Michael's ( because I love to use their coupons)
-Panera ( because I could eat there everyday)
-Wegmans ( I love their cheese bread)
And I am choosing these stores because they are the ones closes to me. Besides, come on, who wouldn't like to get a free gift card?
But this is what you have to do: Guess how many of these little white balls I am going to use to decorate the borders of the cake that I am making for this person that I just met. You can also guess who is the cake for? you might get and extra opportunity in case more than one person guess the right amount of little balls. (just to give you and idea the cake will have three tiers). This cake is due May 2nd, so you have plenty of time to think about it. I will announce the winner on Sunday afternoon. This is another project that I am working on right now. Is a shoe box cake due next Friday for a retirement party ( I have no clue why they order this kind of cake, but money is money!)
This is a hand made tiara, I used gumpaste and I will let her dry and then I will paint it with gold luster dust. I will be using this tiara and the sentence below for the "Mystery Client Cake"

I will be looking forward to read your comments. Take care


  1. Oooh, how fun. Well, I can already tell that I'm going to like the cake... what's not to like about a swirly tiara and little beads for a 50th birthday cake?!!! My guess 500 beads. Who is a complete mystery.

  2. The work that goes into a cake is incredible. You are a true artist and deserve to be paid for your time, so don't be shy!

    Hmm I'll have to think about my guess!


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