Tuesday, July 14, 2009

21st Birthday Cake

I have been wanting to make a cake using pink and brown fondant for a long time and yesterday I got the perfect opportunity. Last minute, as always with me, I got an order for a cute little birthday cake, I could do whatever I wanted and this is what I came out with. I baked and decorated the cake last night, between baking, frosting and all the decorations toit ok me like 4 hours to finish it. I was pretty happy because it kept my mind very busy , I was expecting some news today and I didn't know if they were going to be good or bad and I have been kind of stress out about it.
Here are a few pics of the process. I cover all my boards with fondant a few days in advance, but in this case not only I didn't have time , I also didn't have enough pink fondant so I went for the easy fix.

My idea for using the stitch tool ( is that the name Patricia?) was to make the board a little fun, it really didn't make a lot of difference.

The brown butterfly wasn't on my sketch, but I thought it will look cute. I didn't do anything fun with it, it was a lonely and kind of sad butterfly. But I am sure you can do a body with royal icing, piped some borders with nice colors and make it look really alive.

Butterfly drying.

Using one of my great tools, a "clay gun". I use it for the cake border and the numbers.

Ok, here is another learning experience. I made this free hand=equal shaking hand. Ladies make sure you have a template before you do anything like this, it will look much prettier and clean.

My cute little pink cake!!


  1. I am testing my comment post, there is something wrong and I can't figur it out.

  2. Clay gun! I need one of those! Pretty design!

  3. Beautiful cake!
    thanks for teaching!

  4. Yeah...looks like you fixed the problem! Now, on to your cake... it's beautiful! I love your cute little clay gun - mine has a plunger-like top, but it looks like yours has a screw-like top. And yes, that thing is a stitch tool (or wheel). Really nice cake!!

  5. What super cute cake! I love that color pink too.


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