Monday, September 28, 2009

The other guy in my life..not related to cake at all!

I think I told you a few weeks ago that I have a new camera, well, I have been taking pictures like there's no tomorrow and I wanted to share some with you. This is my other baby, he has been with me and sleeping in my bed since he was 3 weeks old. His name is Lucas Felipe.


  1. OMG! What an adorable little cutie!!

  2. ha how cute! fantastic photos. thanks for passing by my blog. Yeah I still wish the recipe for the rice crispies treat if it s not a lot of hassle for you. thnks

  3. congrats on the new camera! You have a great model there! I have a boston terrier- "Spike" he's a big little toughie!

  4. Our big lab only gets to sleep in the bed at the cabin because originally before some renos the floor was sub zero and she had to climb in to survive the night. You should see the looks I get when I go to the cabin and get into HER bed even though it is toasty warm in the cabin now.
    Your little guys ears are sooo big. How cute.

  5. What a cutie! Sooooo adorable!

    So, what kind of camera did you get?


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