Friday, December 4, 2009

Sneak Peak at my class and a little giveaway

Today was my "clear my mind day". I left home early and I went to the city to take one of my gumpaste classes with Chef Ruth Drennan.
My original idea was to go to my class and then walk around Manhattan and take some pictures to share with you, lately I have been having an obsession with apertures, exposure and taking pics of everything I can. ( As you can imagine I have a cool camera and I am having lots of fun with her). Well, to make the story short, after being lost in the middle of Chinatown for almost 45 minutes and of course with all the rain I wasn't able to get a cab! I arrived at my classroom almost having a nervous breakdown
After my wonderful class and my brain not quite yet in place I took these poor sad pictures of people on the street, please keep in mind that I was holding a camera, an umbrella, and two big bags and yes, using only two hands. I just pointed and shoot! by the time I got to NJ it was snowing. I love the snow, but I love her more when I am under my blankets watching TV and drinking hot chocolate.

The Beautiful Cattleya Orchid

Hopefully one day, I will be able to make one as good as the real ones.

Ruth is very nice and she let us take a lot of pictures, unfortunately I can't share them all but here are just a few:

I got this really cute Martha Stewart treat boxes for one of you, just a little something to kick the holidays off. I really need your help, I need ideas. ..I have to get a Christmas gift to Cami's teachers and I don't know what to get. They are 5 and I don't have a big budget.

Just leave a comment on this post and let me know:
-What do you think I should get them?
-Please, leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win.
-Deadline to enter is Friday, December 11,2009 at noon.
-The winner will be chosen at random and announced on Friday night.
-I almost forgot, Santa is not included with the boxes, he is just hanging out !
In another is my one year anniversary of my blog!! Thank you so much for following me, for your sweet comments and just for be there. Laura, you brought me luck!


  1. You should get the teachers something personalized... like notepads, stationary, a jar for gumballs... something that they would use in the classroom! Those boxes are so cute... hope I win!
    Happy Baking :)
    -Mini Baker

  2. How about some homemade hot chocolate mix. Hubby and I were given that by a Sunday school student once and we really enjoyed it. The mom packed it in a seasonal gift bag with a couple of mugs from the dollar store.


  3. I think a cookie mix in a jar like Bakerella made She even includes the tags to attach to the jars. You could use Christmas fabric & ribbon for the top and Christmas M&M's.

  4. you did a great job on those flowers! i would love to take a class like that.

    as for the teacher gifts... my dad has been an elementary school teacher for years, and i can tell you with confidence that his (and his colleagues, unless they are very new teachers) very favorite gifts are gift cards given with a lovely personal note inside expressing your gratitude or with some encouraging words, etc. i know it seems impersonal (in this gift, it's really the note that counts!) to give a gift card to a book store, coffee shop, or even to the movies ($5 or $10 isn't a lot to give but believe me, they will thank you for not bringing in more candy and whatnot), but teachers get "so much junk" like mugs and various other things that they inevitably end up regifting or selling at a garage sale. not that the gestures aren't appreciated, don't get me wrong.

  5. Hot cocoa mix, or cookies mixes! And I love any kind of gift cards!! You could give them one for a free cake or something from you, decorated as needed, when required!

  6. Both of my sisters are kindergarten teachers, and I agree with Susan!

    Wow, your flowers do look real!

  7. Wow Kathia, One year?! How exciting! Congrats :)


  8. Oh I think Cocoa Mix for sure :)



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