Saturday, January 23, 2010

More Cupcakes and a Happy 101 Award

This week has been really quite at home. I only had to bake a small birthday cake, cute, but simple, after last week I had no energy left and I really need it to get some sleep. By the way, thank you so much for all your comments on the castle cake, they made me really happy!

Like everyone else, I have been watching the news about Haiti and praying for them. It's heartbreaking to see the pictures of what's left of the country, people crying and children on the streets. Coming from Costa Rica, I have experience myself a lot of earthquakes, it is really scary!. I remember when I was a child that sometimes we had to slept on the streets of our neighborhood, we were afraid to stayed in our own houses. Let's keep praying for them and helping them in any way we can.

In another note... here are a few more cupcakes.

I hope you like them.

Here is a Happy 101 Award times 3, because I got it from My Creative Way, Cake Dreamer and Baking Temptations. Thank you so much ladies, I really appreciate it and I am happy to know that you read and like my little blog.

Here are the rules for the award:

-List 10 things that make you happy

-Tag 5 blogs ( I am not sure if is 5 or 10 Blogs, I choose 5)

-Put in a link to their blogs and notify them.

10 things that make me happy in no specific order:

1- 5 days of the week,Tuesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday and Sunday.
2-Spend time with my husband and my baby
4-Take classes and learn something new
6-Speak with my family and my friends back home
7-Blogging and reading your blogs
9-Watch a good movie
10-Play with my dog

Here are my 5 blogs, this is hard because to be honest, I enjoy reading all of your blogs, you teach me so much!

Take care everyone and I hope you have a wonderful week.


  1. Congrats! Love your fondant work, and the black/white/ red together looks great...a classic look that I love:)

  2. Awww... thank you soooo much. Ya know, this is funny because I was thinking of you just the other day when my daughter and I were talking wedding cakes. I was telling her I know this person that puts so much love and care into her baking and shares all that with me through her blog, just one problem, she lives in New Jersey! My daughter laughed and said too far to go for a cake! I told her to check out your blog anyway!!! Well, thanks again for the award!!!!!

  3. Very cute! I also love the lists of favorite blogs from these awards! I find all new blogs that I would have never found before!

  4. these are adorable!! perfect cupcakes for v-day.

  5. You are so sweet! I am feeling just lucky I get to be your friend.

    These cupcakes are amazing. I adore them.

  6. Wow - thank you so much! I am so happy that we have become blogging friends. I love your cakes & wish I could decorate like you!!! Thanks again :)

  7. Even though you gave it to me, I just wanted to let you know that I am passing along a Happy 101 Blog award to you as your site always brightens my day. For more details, see my blog:

  8. These are so cute! You're doing great!


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