Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Halloween Series Kick Off " Pumpkin Hatter" cake

I am so happy to introduce you to my first guest...

Award winning  Cake Designer and Sugar artist Silvina Barboza. I actually meet Silvina  last year through the New York City Cake Decorators Meet Up, I took one of her classes and I was very impress with her own special style and unique techniques in figure molding.

Here is Silvina taking over...

"I want to start by thanking Kathia for inviting me to be part of this fun Halloween Project!

My name is Silvina Barboza, I'm a Sugar Artist, Cake Designer and Teacher. I've been part of this sweet community for almost 2 years now, Since I enter my first Cake Show, and started to teach. Before that I experimented with my family! They are the heroes of the story, for being always my guinea pigs with a smile in their faces and their love in their hearts!!! I love them! Kenny and Genesis I love you guys!!!

Some of you may know my work, but if you don't, I want to invite you to visit my website:

Silvina Barboza Sugar Artis & Cake Designer

That is my special place, I've recently started my blog...I'm not so good at it, but I'm trying! There you will find my work, tutorials, classes and more... oh I almost forgot! Ordering information too, and don't worry I got much better and my cakes are really good!

So...This is my small contribution...I want to share with all of you my latest creation and also a class ( yes, you can do this cake too!) the "Pumpkin Hatter" cake, I hope you enjoy it!"

What an amazing cake!! Silvina actually told me that she didn't have time to make something bigger! This is just perfect.
I hope you like this awesome cake and visit her site to see her other award winning cakes.
Come back tomorrow for another special guest.


  1. Kathia thank you so much!!!
    I'm so happy to be here!!! ;)

  2. Really amazing!! Congratulations Silvina!
    Kathia, gracias por el proyecto, se trata de una idea estupenda!

  3. Wow! Way to start off the show! I can't wait to see the next installment!

  4. Kathia, I found you today via "Grin And Bake It" I love your site and look forward to returning often. Love your guest blogger feature too. You have an adorable blog button and header. Things like that always catch my eye first. Jessica from "Frilly Coconut" also did my site. She does great work!

  5. This is so creative, Silvina! Wonderful!


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