Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Halloween Series...Day 10 Caramel Popcorn

Pam of Party Starters

My talented blog friend Pamela has received awards for her designs
 and have a well known repertoire in the paper crafting community.
This lucky girl received an exclusive invitation from
Martha Stewart Omnimedia
to attend their "Martha Stewart Bloggers Night Out" party in NYC. She was so close to me and unfortunately the logistics
didn't work and we couldn't meet.
Pamela's company,Party Starters has been featured on
Amy Atlas Events,Martha Stewart,Card Of The Week,
Martha Stewart's Craft Dept. and many more.
Having a party soon? Go ahead and visit her Etzy shop!
Here is Pam...

Hello! Pam from Party Starters here today. I was so touched when Kathia asked me to contribute to her fun mini blog series the "28 Days Of Sweet Halloween Ideas".  I must admit I was a little intimidated when I started seeing what the others had made, but figured I would do my best and try to do something a little different even though I LOVE cupcakes and cookies!

Since I specialize in party favors I wanted to share a treat that goes perfect in my new scalloped popcorn box...Caramel Corn! This recipe is the one my Mom has been using since I was a kid. I finally just received it along with my Mom's ginormous stainless steel bowl, known as "the caramel corn bowl". This recipe is super easy and makes a ton, so be prepared to share!!

Caramel Corn 

2C brown sugar
1C butter
1/2C light corn syrup
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp Vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
8 qts popped popcorn

Combine first six ingredients in a saucepan. 
Bring to a boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add baking soda. Pour caramel mixture over popcorn and stir well. Put in to a large well-greased large roaster pan or "Ginormous" stainless steel bowl. Place in oven for 1 hour at 250 degrees, stirring every 15 minutes.
When I was finished I laid out parchment paper then poured the caramel corn out and made sure there weren't any large pieces stuck together.  Once cooled keep in an air tight container.

Now for the fun part...packaging!! One of my scalloped popcorn boxes with parchment paper liner. Fill with caramel corn or other tasty treat and serve to guests. OR fill up a bunch of these popcorn boxes,  wrap them up with some cellophane, a ribbon and give to friends, co workers or of course family.

I hope you enjoyed today's Sweet Halloween Idea. Here's to a safe and happy Halloween!


  1. Oh wow, what a great guest blogger - very impressive resume :).

    I absolutely love the adorable popcorn box design - and it looks amazing filled with yummy caramel corn.

    I was touched when I read that Pam's mother gave her the huge popcorn bowl from her childhood. What wonderful memories that must have brought back!


  2. Ooooh... caramel corn! Looks SO yummy!

  3. Wonderful and delicious idea. One of my favorite treats!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Un saludo :D

  4. Tienen que estar buenisimas¡¡¡Luisa

    Muy bien los paso a paso.


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