Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween Series...Day 24 Halloween Cupcakes with a Story

 Diane of Created by Diane

 The last week of Sweet Halloween Ideas is here, I wish I can keep going with all the guest post I have had so far, everyone has been so creative.Today I have another fun and easy cupcake idea for you from  Diane of Created by Diane.

Diane is a food blogger that enjoys sharing her passion for baking, food and photography on her blog
 I love to see the pictures of her cupcakes.
Her yummy treats have been featured on Cupcakes Take the Cake, Hoosier Homemade and other fabulous food blogs. Thank you Diane for sharing this story and cute cupcakes with us.

This is Diane...

I'm so happy to be joining Kathia's 
 28 Days of Sweet Halloween Ideas
Thank you for having me 

Created by Diane is where you will find sweet and savory recipes that will help you make life delicious!
I like to make and create fun easy items,
 today I'm sharing with you some simple cupcakes that have a story to tell.

This mouse may not turn into horse, 
but what would Halloween be with out the tale of Cinderella. 
The pumpkin is turned into a beautiful coach,
Cinderella's worn clothing turns into a beautiful gown,
 she dashes away to go to the ball and meets a handsome prince,
 Who later tracks her down with her forgotten glass slipper .
 They get married and live happily ever after.

 Sounds like a perfect Halloween story to me,
 dressing up,
 making something out of nothing,
 and celebrating and having the time of your life.

I love when little girls dress up like Cinderella for Halloween, they are so sweet!
The pumpkin cupcakes were decorated with orange frosting then rolled into orange sprinkles, topped off with a green stem.
The mouse was spread on with white frosting and black frosting was added for the details.

Every year I look forward to the cute kids coming to the door,
and being able to see what costumes are popular that year. 
There are always plenty of Cinderella's :)
Pretending is what makes Halloween fun!


  1. LOL - how cute! I love that little mouse cupcake. I can see how it could easily be turned into a kitty cupcake too. Adorable.


  2. Qué pena que ya llegó el último... gracias por tu genial idea, ya tengo un montón de ideas para Halloween! :-)
    Te he contestado en mi blog respecto al almíbar, pero te lo pongo aquí también.
    El almíbar es un sirope que añado al bizcocho porque utilizo el Madeira Sponge Cake y para el gusto de aquí me imagino es muy seco así que se le añade para conseguir que quede más jugoso.
    Se prepara con 200cl de agua y 200 de azúcar aunque yo a veces he echado menos de azúcar, y se le añade el sabor o esencia que se quiera, se deja hervir y se retira del fuego y ya está.
    Besitos wpa!!

  3. Hey hey. Found your blog today and must say that I really love it! Must say that my blog is somewhat reminiscent of your even though I've never have seen it before. It is also pink with cartoon cakes and pastries I made by myself and the cartoon image of myself:) I love Halloween more than any other celebration so I was really happy when I saw all your great tips and ideas! :-) Love your blog so much that I have added it to my list of favorite blogs =)


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