Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ribbon Roses

Back from a long weekend is always hard, at least to me, somehow I want to stay home, sleep and play with Cami as much as my morning sickness and headache allows me. We had a wonderful Easter.Cami enjoyed her Easter basket and she keeps saying that the Easter bunny is so nice because it brought her her favorite candy, M&Ms. She did have a little bit of a sugar overload, but I think is ok since is only once a year.

Every Easter we go to one of my  friend's house, my usually to go dessert to bring  is Carrot cake. This year I wanted to add a little splash of color to the cake and added some ribbon roses which are way too easy to make and they always end up looking like you spent hours making them.


To make ribbon roses you will need:

-Fondant in the color of your choice for the roses
-Green fondant for the leaves
-Small rolling pin to roll the fondant
-Small leave cutter
-Brush ( to attach leaves to roses)
-Pizza cutter or exacto knife

To make the ribbon roses:

-Roll the colored fondant with the rolling pin and cut a few stripes, you can make them the same size or different sizes, it doesn't really matter.
-Fold each piece over
-Take one end of the folded stripe and fold down to form a center, and continue rolling until you get the size that you want.


I do not like to roll the roses too tight, I like mine in the softer side.
-When you have reached the size you want, bring the end down, pinch it and cut it.
-Then leave the roses to dry or use them right away.


To make the leaves:

-Roll the green fondant and using a small leave cutter cut all the leaves that you are going to need.
-Using a small veining tool add leaf details.


Attach the leaves to the roses with a dab of water and arrange in cake.


Have a great week and thank you for stopping by!


Thank you to Kelly for inviting me to her Running with Glitter Party

Running with Glitter


  1. Yum! I love carrot cake and I am sure yours is divine. Those ribbon roses were such a perfect touch!

  2. Thanks for posting the tutorial. Very cute cake. I'm going to try the ribbon roses sometime!

  3. how beautifully crafted! Love it

  4. Awesome tutorial! I just love ribbon roses! How have you been feeling lately... things getting any better?

  5. I love ribbon roses, but I have never made them. Yours look so cute and super ribbon-y!

  6. SO cute! I love it and would love for you to join the Glitter Link Party!

  7. Thanks for the instructions for ribbon roses. They look beautiful! I am a newbie to fondant, so I really appreciate this post!

  8. Kathia, thanks for the tutorial. I always have problems with this one :)

  9. I LOVE your ribbon roses, and they look beautiful on the cake!

  10. Glad to hear you had a nice easter break. Your ribbon roses look fantastic, the perfect finishing touch on the cake. Thanks for the tutorial.

  11. the cake is divine! roses just perfect! you're too good! I will follow you always, very well done! kisses and good weekend!


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