Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Not Cake...just a big belly!

Hi everyone!

I hope you all had a great  Memorial Day weekend. Around here I am slowly  recovering from a few days off. It was so good to have time to do things around the house and to spend more time with my little girl and my husband. Time goes by so fast and I feel that sometimes we miss special moments together.

I also had a special friend visiting from Costa Rica, she brought me my favorite powder milk, candy, newspapers and lots of good memories from the youth and single life we used to have back then, like 100 years ago! which by the way I do not miss at all.
We spent a lot of time playing with little Cami, shopping, watching good movies and eating. On Memorial Day we got up early and headed to the beach, it was a wonderful day full of Cami's laughs having fun building sand castles with Daddy. The day was so beautiful, warm and sunny, just what we need it.

Today I am celebrating another year of life and I am very grateful for what I have accomplish and for what I have in life,heath, job,family,friends, my wonderful husband, a beautiful little girl and my new baby girl coming soon.

Here are some pics from our fun time, I am not sure if you want to be a big belly on a cake blog but I just wanted to share with you some of my special moments.




  1. Another year of life? Was it your birthday? :)

    I am glad to see that your pregnancy is going well. It looks like your family is blossoming :)

  2. Kathia, it's easy to see where Cami gets her cuteness from! It looks like you had a great time. I get to put my toes in the sand in a couple weeks... can't wait!!

  3. Hi! You look radiant! And your little girl is so adorable and pretty! Glad you had such a great time!

  4. Kathia, estas preciosa con esa barriga, Cami esta grandisima!!! Dios te siga bendiciendo :)

    Un abrazo

  5. You are the cutest. I love that baby belly!! So glad we finally got a sneak peek. Also glad you guys had such a wonderful time together. Those times spent as a family are the best!

  6. Hello! I'm from Philippines! :) I just started blogging about food. Please follow me and I'll follow you too! :)

  7. Of course we want to see your big belly! We know you through your cakes but there is still an awesome person behind the blog that we would love to get to know more! You look so cute!!


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