Monday, September 12, 2011

4 weeks to go

For the past few weeks I have been explaining my little girl that she is going to stay with daddy for a few days while mommy goes to the hospital to bring her sister home...

And for the past few weeks she has been telling me that no!, she is coming with me because she needs to teach me how to hold her sister and how to feed her ( apparently I don't know how, I am wondering who has feed and held my 4 year old for the past 4 years?)


Botton line is that we all are so excited that we only have 4 weeks left of swollen feet, back pain,feeling hot, cramps, cravings and them we are going to have our precious baby girl with us.

This is what I look like at 8 months with Air Conditioning at my office, you do not, I repeat , do not want to see how I look today with no AC in our office until further notice.
I. am. on. fire!!! hot, cranky ...and I can go on and on.
We are still dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Irene in our office and the contractors are working as fast as they can to get the AC back on. I am assuming they are a little ( maybe a lot) tired of hearing me complaining and rolling my eyes at them.



Have a great week everyone!


  1. Oh my Kathia, you look positively stunning. Pregnancy is great on you! You are in my praryers!

  2. @Meghan: 4 weeks!! I guess not having the AC on is already affecting me. Thank you for telling me.

  3. 4 weeks! I will send cool thoughts your way! I think it's really sweet that Cami wants to be a part of schooling you about how to take care of her baby sister. Have you picked a name yet for Cami's sister?

  4. Wow Kathia, you are glowing!! Sending you good thoughts and prayers for a safe delivery. Can`t wait to here how your eldest looks after her little sister :)

  5. Oh no... I feel so bad for you. I was 8 months pregnant at this time of the year twice, once with no AC, so I know EXACTLY how horribly uncomfortable you're feeling. I hope they get the AC back on asap! Looking so very forward to meeting your new precious baby girl. Cammy will be such a cute big sister :)

  6. Your daughter Cammy is soo cute and so adorable! I can totally understand the uncomfy feeling of not having AC and i don't know how you can work too! Hope your company get the aircon fix asap!

  7. You look absolutely beautiful, Kathia! Although...I am hoping that your AC is restored soon...thank goodness that hasn't faulted us in Texas!

    Keeping you in my thoughts, sweet friend!

  8. Your daughter is beautiful and I'm sure she is so excited to meet her little sister. She will be so proud to be a big sister!
    You look beautiful, despite everything you have gone through and you never know...this new baby may just surprise you and arrive a little early :)

  9. Thinking of you and wishing you the absolute best!

  10. Beautiful photos! Kids say the funniest things:) Your daughter sounds so ready to be a big sister. Best wishes to you for a smooth labor and delivery, Kathia! XO

  11. How exciting! Looks like you're doing great.

  12. Oh I can't wait to see pictures of your little one! Cami is going to be such a great big sister!!

  13. You look beautiful Kathia! Your little one is adorable I am sure she will be a great sister! I hope your AC get fixed ASAP.



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