Monday, October 10, 2011

Halloween Linzer Cookies

I found this Linzer cookie cutters at the store and I couldn't resist to get them. 
 I didn't make the traditional linzer cookie recipe because I just wanted to use Dulce de leche as a filling.

I used this recipe,  minus the olive oil because one of the reviews kind of scare me.
The cookies were very light and combined perfectly with the sweet the filling.

Spread a tablespoon of Dulce de leche on the bottoms of each cookie and sandwich together.


  1. I love Dulce de Leche! It makes a great filling (and snack)! The kitties are my favorite!

  2. What a great idea for Halloween cookies. I still have not even attempted to make linzer cookies.

  3. Can I order some of the linzer cookies


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