Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Apple Green Cake with Birds Toppers

I hope you are having a great week so far. Today I went back to work and getting the kids up early in the morning wasn't easy, specially since the temperatures here in Central Jersey are so low,we are pretty much freezing here.
I am so excited and so motivated for this New Year.I have lots of projects and goals that I hope I can accomplish if I stay focus..well and if I have time. What about you? any resolutions for this year?

I made this cake a few weeks ago, it was for a Bridal Shower. I actually had made a cake for my client before for another Bridal Shower,I was really happy when she contacted me again, it definitely tells me that she was happy with her previous order.

The cake's colors, details,flowers and black birds came out from the invitation's sample that my client sent me.A funny story is that my client came to pick the cake up with her mom. When her mom saw the birds she told me that she didn't like them,she went on telling me that why I put those black birds on the cake. Don't get me wrong, she was such a nice lady, she actually reminded me of my mom back home. My client immediately told her that I did what she had requested and that those birds were on the invitation ( design by a friend of the bride), her mom was surprised and went on telling me how much she like the cake ( except for the birds of course).

The birds are small, I made them with rice crispy treats and black gumpaste.I wish I had used a white background for the cake's picture, it's kind of hard to see the details of the birds which are the height and exact position as the picture in the invitation.

Thank you for stopping by and have a great week.


  1. The birdies are super cute, Kathia!

  2. Love the cake and story about the black birds. I know that some people consider black birds bad luck and perhaps that is the the bride's Mom didn't like them on the cake.
    It's cold here too and hard to get out to take the dog for his walks...we do of course but we are bundled up like crazy!

  3. Very nice! Love the birds idea! Black or whatever color the are always welcome to me :)


  4. I think the birds look really cool! The whole cake looks awesome, no wonder your client was pleased. I'm a little jealous of your cold weather, its just started to get really hot here.


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