Monday, February 20, 2012

Smiling Cupcakes

If you read my blog often, you know that I have a small baby girl. I am not only having a lot of fun with a 4 month baby, but I am also enjoying all the designs inspiration that I can get for cakes and cookies  from her little outfits. Everything is so cute, and one of these days I will bombard you with a week of full baby inspired sweets.

I made these cookies inspired by one of her bibs, I figure I could "portrait" myself and my girls...

but then I figure I had to put my husband in the designs also, although, my husband doesn't have a mustache. It seems that this was the most appropriate way to portrait a cupcakes in a male version.

Then, I couldn't help myself and I had to make a few more


To make the cookies, I used these cupcake cookie cutters that I got at Bake it Pretty a long time ago.

I didn't make a tutorial for the first set of cookies, I was in a rush to enter this cookie cutter contest. Since Spring is around the corner, I figure I could use some extra income to help us get some things for the girls. After having heart palpitations finding out that Summer Camp for Cami is $2,200 for 10 weeks, I haven't been feeling like myself.
Of course, the Summer Camp thing has nothing to do with this cookies, I am just very frustrated and I have to let it out.

Back to the cookies...

You will bake, outline and flood the cookies.
Let them dry overnight.

For the first set of cookies: I used tip #1 to do the stitching inside the cupcakes swirl. For the cheeks I used tip #3 with stiff icing.

For the second set of cookies:

.Tip #1 for the stitching
.Apply pink luster dust for the cheeks with a small brush. 

.Use an edible food writer to draw the smiling mouth,eyes and eyelashes


Thank you for stopping by my blog, have a great week.


I am linking my cupcakes to..

Tip Junkie handmade projects


Raychel said...


Bobbie said...

Too cute! I love that they are so animated, great job!

Unknown said...

how completely whimsical with a side of SUPER CUTE. I love these soft and pretty. I too have a little girl (always will be my baby) but now she is almost 8 - I still am inspired by all things girly girl although she tells me that she is "part tomboy and party girly girl"..ok, good to know!

Linda McCubbin said...

These are just tooo cute and I the color combination is great.

Sue said...

Yippee! The post I was waiting for:) The cutest cupcake cookies EVER~Your own sweet little family as cupcakes. Love the mustache too:) Time to pin and time to make~soon! Thanks Kathia!

faithy said...

Kathia, these are the cutest cookies i've seen! So adorable and brings me smile! Soo soo cute! Wow..summer camp is so expensive over in US? Sounds like it is more expensive than taking a trip to neighbouring countries for us!

SweetThingsTO said...

Those are so cute - they just make you smile right away! They made my morning! :-)

Dreams of cakes said...

So cute! Beautiful work! Bravo!

Anonymous said...

Anything to do with babies can provide endless inspiration for cookie and cake designs and these are very cute. Love that your husband got some representation in these cookies.

キーリん♡ said...

Too adorable! I love how you made the dad xD Can tell you're a very proud and happy momma :)

~ Kieli ~

Unknown said...

These are the cutest cookies ever. I love the "manly" cupcake cookie.

Philly Art Girl said...

AH! The mustache one!!! SO CUTE!!

giovanna said...

adorable and sooo cute. I can't get passed how straight your lines are. amazing hand.

Unknown said...

oh dear How adorable!!

Butter Hearts Sugar said...

Eeee! these are the cutest, the mustached one made me giggle. Such a sweet little cupcake family.

Anonymous said...

These are SO SO CUTE!!!!

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