Monday, April 16, 2012

Cars Theme Cake

Happy Monday! we are having a wonderful weather here in Central Jersey, lots of birthday parties going around and of course that brings, lots of cakes. This is another Cars theme cake for a little boy.
Her mom gave me a picture of a two tier cake she saw online and wanted me to make something similar, similar meaning she pretty wanted the same cake.
They were having a small family birthday party, and a two tier cake feeds way more than 30 people, so this is the small version.

The cake is covered in fondant, I bought the fondant already colored.
The signs are made with gumpaste and attached to the cake with wire.

My client gave me the cars to put on the cake and I attached them with royal icing

Full disclosure: How many desings can you really make on a cars cake? race tracks, signs, lights.
I looked for the original source of the cake picture given by my client online and didn't get a result.
If you have seen it, please let me know and I will update.


  1. Oh my cuteness! My boys would absolutely DIE for this cake. You are so talented! Bravo!

  2. I love the stand up signs on the cake! It makes a single tierd cake look more dimensional! Great deatils as alwayd!

  3. Fantastic!! The details are perfect!

  4. If my skin was only as smooth and shiny as your fondant...GORGEOUS!

  5. Delightful cake Kathia and I love your road signs and your finish flag. The birthday boy must have been beside himself with excitement.

  6. gorgeous cake! So shiny and smooth, I love all the details especially the signs on top.

  7. I always buy pre-dyed red fondant too - even though it is a lot more pricey. But it is worth it because red gets everywhere!


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