Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Precious Books and a Giveaway

My name is Kathia and I have an addiction to baking/cake decorating books. They are precious to me, I arrange them in sizes, sometimes by theme, somethings by color. When I do not have anything to do, I would moved them from one place to another.
Yes, I know, I am kind of weird, but I love my books.

And as much as I would like to have many more books, I also have a budget where diapers, wipes and milk have a priority.
I have to say that I have been lucky of getting most of these books as gifts or for reviews and I have splurge in 1 or 2 or 3!

In my collection I have a few of them that are not the best investment, I guess those where the ones that I got when I started my cake decorating phase. I still keep them because I feel that I will need them at some point.

It turns out that this Friday I am turning the big 38! I am having lots of emotions coming my way, I guess that comes with the territory in getting old. Any thoughts on that?
We, as a family, just made a life changing decision and at some point I will be sharing the news. But for now I am celebrating that I am 2 years away from turning 40, ahhhhh! with a giveaway.

The complete photo guide to cake decorating book came my way and I thought that was a very useful book.
Almost every cake decorating technique is in this book and the best part is that it has lots of pictures, which are always very helpful if you are a visual learner like me.
People always ask me where did I learn how to make certain figure with fondant, this book has the basics in modeling with chocolate and fondant. Very useful for any beginner or advance cake decorator.

So, what do you have to do to win this book:

Just leave a comment letting me know what's the best way to learn some cake decorating techniques without spending lots of money in classes.

For extra entries,post on Tweter and please leave a separate comment letting me know you did.

Winner will be announce on Monday June 4th at noon.
Good luck everyone!


Melissa said...

Youtube has been awesome for me to learn how to do things without spending a lot of money. Many times I will watch a tutorial over and over. From sugar flowers to stacking cakes its amazing what is available.


  1. The best way to learn is from bloggers like YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That collection made my jaw drop and my husband faint...oh ya honey...I have a few NEW books to get now after seeing those! HAAAAAAAA!

  2. the best way to learn cake decorating for me are photos that I find on different sites.

  3. I'm a huge blog-stalker, and I feel like I learn a lot of my stuff from seeing what others have done and trying to replicate it!

  4. I would say bloggers or pinterest has good ideas too!

  5. i tweeted -

  6. Hi Kathia!! I am not in for the giveaway since i have that book already. I just wanted to tell you that you are not alone.. I think we need to be in a club or something..hahaha! I too have the same obsession and mine also includes cooking books too! My books are all categorised like in a bookstore..LOL! Cupcakes/Decorating/Desserts/Cakes/ etc..LOL! And like you, i love my books too! :D

  7. I have learned alot just by google searching and different websites, i weed out the ones that don't work for me and the best way to do it.

  8. I am an amateur cake decorator. My love for craft got me into cake decorating. For me, the learning started with Youtube. I am a visual person, so words make no sense to me. It has to be pictures or videos. Youtube then led me to awesome blogs like yours, Sweetology, Decorated Cookie and I was in Sweet Learning Heaven! I'd love to have a book (I am a bit of a bookworm too) but only if it comes recommended by an experienced decorator such as yourself. I'm too chicken to spend the money otherwise!

  9. Kathia, I have many of the same books, and then some:) I am also a visual learner, so I love the books with lots of photos. I also learn a ton from blogs such as yours.
    Happy Birthday on Friday! My friend once gave me a birthday card that state: "I finally figured out how old, old's however old you are, plus ten years!" :)

  10. Hello Kathia, first of all let me say you´re not getting older. I myself like to say I´m less younger; I´m 41.
    Great collection you have, mine is not that big but I also treasure it. The best way in my opinion is to browse thru differente webs and blogs, get the sugarpaste ready and let your imagination fly. Take care. Lucy.

  11. WOW, I want ALL of your books. LOL.
    The best way for me to learn besides books is youtube. :)

  12. Wow, ¡cuántos libros! Son geniales :)
    Sin lugar a dudas, la mejor forma de aprender sin dejarte un dineral en clases son los libros, los blogs, los vídeo tutoriales en Internet… ¡se aprende muchísimo!
    Qué casualidad, yo también estoy casi de cumpleaños. El tuyo es mañana, el mío a primeros de junio :D
    ¡Este libro parece muy chulo! Modelar es todavía mi asignatura pendiente, tengo que practicar.
    ¡Un beso!

  13. I've learned a lot from blogs, but otherwise the online non-class resource I know of is the Wilton website.

  14. I have learned that practice makes perfect. If I don't know how to do something I just keep trying till I get it right. And the internet is an awesome resource.

  15. Great book! I get ideas from the internet and practice, practice, practice. I know it can get frustrating... but soon, you'll get the hang of it. :)

  16. I posted this hint on Twitter! :)

  17. I have the same addiction. I love YouTube! It's great when you just need to see a step or two in a process.

  18. I definitely have the same addiction to books as you! As far as decorating, I think reading, watching tutorials and most important, practice, practice, practice!!!

  19. I learn from my aunt. She took the classes. :)
    Naomi Dice

  20. I think the best way to learn a technique is through a video. I love to watch videos and work as I watch them!

  21. Tweeted about the giveaway! @PastryProblems

  22. I think blogs are the most helpful. Sometimes I just look at lots of pictures and then just dig in and trying creating something of my own. I think the key to teaching yourself is to not be afraid!

    Btw-love your collection!

  23. I love your Blog and have been following for months. I'm still trying to become more effective in this business. I never took ONE class, even though I think I should. I try to be creative, innovative and bring passion all together in order to create and make a cake. I could share some amazing Brazilian recipies without any charge!!! How does it sound? You will improve your menu adding some samba flavor into it!!!!!!

  24. i learned almost everything i know about cakes from google and google images. going to something like ICES and just waling around helps too.

  25. watch it on youtube and ask mr. google
    gustosagiveaways atymaildotcom

  26. The best resources are blogs and videos (youtube mostly).

  27. I feel like the best way is to learn from other bloggers and then practice! Practice makes perfect:)

  28. Youtube has been awesome for me to learn how to do things without spending a lot of money. Many times I will watch a tutorial over and over. From sugar flowers to stacking cakes its amazing what is available.

  29. I started out just playing in my own kitchen and experimenting. Then I took some classes at Michaels Crafts, very good classes and not too expensive. I now teach classes at Michaels and love getting my students to fall in love with cake decorating.

  30. I would say the best way to learn cake decorating skills for no money would be youtube, and for little money, books

  31. i tweeted about this fantastic book giveaway


    p.s. happy birthday!!

  32. My dear friend I found that the best way to learn how to decorate cakes or anything related to it is youtube. I managed to accomplish a lot by watching several people on how they work with cakes, fondant, gumpaste etc.

  33. I spread the work in Twitter as well!

  34. Blogs & videos from all the talented folks out there!

  35. I was pleased to see that I own many of these books already! Great minds, and all that!

  36. You tube, bloggers, books and practice. I found my very first class through our local park and rec. It was a simple one time class that taught you some basics and it was very inexpensive, I took those skills and taught myself from there!- Leah

  37. I think you can learn almost anything from youtube!

  38. I love to look at cake decorating books in stores and at the library. I also use online tutorials. Practice is definitely key, and my family sure doesn't mind having the extra sweets around!!

  39. The best way to learn is through books and blogs but practice iis very important can have books and blogs but if you dont practice, its all useless!
    - abeer @

  40. The best way to learn on a budget? For me, I have always loved books so books and online tutorials have been my go-to for learning. I am not one that hesitates to write in her books so I mKe notes to myself as I've gone along. I print tutorials on my home printer and make notes too. I've kept the ones that I think I'll use again. if I could afford it, I'd go books all the way but since I can't online tutorials and blogs!! Thank you so much for your blog.

  41. The best way that I have found is through youtube videos, bloggers, and facebookers. I don't have the money or time for classes, but I really want to and try to learn.
    Happy birthday! (My bday is on June 15 :) )

  42. 38 isn't old!! Or is it? I've had a pretty good year, but come November, I turn 39 - that's old!!! ha ha You have a nice week!


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