Thursday, May 17, 2012

Spring Cookies Decorated with Fondant

Sugar cookies decorated with fondant are the best options when you need a last minute cookie gift. I know some people do not like fondant, but I can tell you that if you get the right brand or if you make your own marshmallow fondant you will not be disappointed.

My favorite brand of fondant is Satin Ice, is very easy to work with and taste really good. Another option is to use chocolate fondant, which is the one I used for the hummingbirds, it taste like a tootsie roll and has a deep chocolate smell.

Are you already making Spring treats? Around here, in Central Jersey, we were having a little bit of rain for the past few weeks, which I am not too fond of, picking up the girls from Daycare with high heels, work clothes, their bags and an umbrella does not make me happy at all.
Any way,I love Spring,even with the rain here and there. 

I made this cookies for The Cookie Cutter Company Design ideas page, visit them, there you can find new cutters with lots of fun designs.

To decorate sugar cookies with rolled fondant you will need the following cutters and supplies:

  • Birdhouse
  • Rose Flower
  • Tulip Flower
  • Caterpillar
  • Hummingbird
    • Fondant, color of your choice. I used red, leaf green, chocolate, white and pink.
    • Black food writer
    • Small rolling pin and non stick board
    • Shortening ( to prevent the fondant from sticking in your hands)
    • Corn syrup and small brush ( to attach fondant to cookies) 
    • Chocolate sprinkles (optional)
    • Tooth pick
    • Cornstarch
    • Small knife 

    How to decorate cookies with fondant:

    • Sprinkle your working area with a little cornstarch
    • Roll out your fondant very thin, about ¼ of an inch.
    • Using the same cookie cutters that you used to cut your cookies, cut the fondant cookie shapes. Let them set for a few seconds, then use a small spatula to transfer them from the rolling mat to the cookie.
    • To attach the fondant to the cookies; brush a thin coat of light corn syrup on the cookie.

    Here are some pictorials for you to see how I decorated all the cookies.

    To add some details to your cookies you have plenty of options, from embossing rolling pins, luster dust, stamps, disco dust to royal icing. For these cookies I only used a tooth pick to mark the leaves,stems and petals of the flowers.

    The hummingbirds and the birdhouse turned out to be my favorite.
    I applied a light coat of corn syrup to the roof of the birdhouse and also the“door”, I sprinkled chocolate sprinkles, let it set for a couple minutes and then you have it, a delicious sugar cookie with a hint of chocolate.
    Pretty girl uh?

    Do you have a favorite Spring cookie shape?


    1. Love all your work with fondant! It's so smooth and perfect! I need to practice this more.

    2. These are adorable cookies!! The detailing on the roses is beautiful. I haven't tried fondant on cookies yet, but I must do it now. Thanks for sharing!

    3. Hope your weekend turns as bright as and lovely as these cookies. The hummingbird is beautiful and I just love the chocolate chip border around that adorable bird house. ~ Paula

    4. Really nice! I love your spring cookies :) I have to try to decorate cookies with fondant (I use Satin Ice too). I usually decorate my cookies with royal icing :)

    5. tulips are a favorite flower of mine! All of these are super cute, I love butterflies in spring too!

    6. You did a beautiful job, Kathia! I love how you added the details and added even more dimension on some of the flower petals.


    Thank you for taking the time and leaving a comment.I really appreciate it.