Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cami's cupcake tower- party recap.

I planned Camilla's party for a few weeks, worked on her cake, bought her cupcake tower and dreamed of her having the greatest time of her life.
I also dreamed of having the greatest time of my life knowing I wasn't going to cook or clean my house for her party.

Well, things not always happen the way we want...
The day before her party she fell playing ghost at home. She cut her lower lip, inside and out, by cut I mean she sliced her lip open! blood everywhere,I actually thought she broke all her teeth.
We rushed her to the Children's Hospital emergency room, they took us in immediately and in a matter of minutes the doctors told us that the cut was deep and  require stitches.
The cut was where the facial skin meets her lips, it was extremely difficult to match it back up, which can lead to scarring. She also had bruses on her upper gums and a hole inside her lip.

 She needed to be strap, sedated on her lip area, etc ahhhhhhhh I felt like I was in a horror movie, the one where you see your baby in the worse pain ever and there is nothing you can do. Yep, that one!

The day of the party I had to bring her in to the doctor again because she was very swollen and I was paranoid of her getting an infection. ( thoughts included her loosing her lip, not having a mouth and anything bad that could come into my mind)

Needless to say, the party was a disaster...she had fun for about 20 minutes and then she cried the entire time,we hold her as much as we could, we knew she was in pain.
If you are asking yourself why we didn't cancel the party, we did think about doing it, but she wanted the party so bad and she would have been heartbroken without her party.

This picture is the best we could do.

Today Cami is feeling better, she is able to actually open her mouth and eat. Stitches are out and we are just waiting for her to heal before Kindergarten starts in a few weeks.

Do you have kids? any accidents before a big event?


  1. Sounds awful! The cupcake tower is beautiful though, and I am glad she is feeling better. As a mom I can imagine the horror. I have a boy, so I am sure there will be a trip to the ER for something down the line, hopefully it won't be serious. Luckily she will have many more beuatiful birthday cakes for years to come.

  2. Poor little Camilla, poor Mommy and Daddy. I can imagine what you all went through. Good to hear that she is on the mend and hopefully she has a wonderful first day of school. ~ Paula

  3. Awww, poor Cami, and you too! :( I'm glad she's feeling better! We made quite a few trips to the E.R. for stitches and broken bones with our three active kids. Hopefully Camilla enjoyed the fabulous cake you made...That's quite a tower and I LOVE the guitar!

  4. yes..its a sad story...looking at the positives--it ended with that cut..however, there was a party which she wanted very had already made the cake..the cake is very pretty...she is feeling much better now..

    belated wishes to camille

  5. so sorry about your sweeties injury, that just sucks, but you tried to make the best of it and THAT is what matters. Hugs.

  6. My daughter Maya,ndid the same thing. You made the cake (fresh beat band) for her fourth birthday. She was running at my mom's house the day before her third birthday and fell and slammed the bridge of her nose into the windowsill. We rushed her to the pediatrician bec they were willing to take her right away. I was convinced she broke her nose, she didnt, thank heaven. But spent her birthday with two black eyes and bruising across the top of her nose. My poor love.

    By her party it was faded but still there,

  7. Ooooh, pobrecita, pobre Camilla. Menos mal que ya está mejor. Qué pena que no pudiera disfrutar de su fiesta. Ni tú tampoco, con todo el tiempo que seguramente le dedicaste y la ilusión que te hacía... qué rabia.
    Bueno, tendrá muuuchos cumpleaños felices para disfrutar de los yummy cakes de su mamá :)
    ¡Un beso a las dos!


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