Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Small Birthday Cake for my baby

This past weekend, my baby girl turned 1 and we had a couple little parties for her.
We did a little something for her at the Daycare, a very low key birthday since she is still in the baby room and babies do not eat cake, of course!. Although the teaches were really happy to eat the cake for them.

This is the little cake I made for her. A 4" chocolate cake filled and frosted with Swiss Meringue buttercream. I was hopping she would try it, but she didn't.
Well, she will have plenty of opportunities to try mommy's cakes.
Happy Birthday to my little Princess, she is my little miracle already starting to walk and talk.


  1. Precious- especially the last photo.

  2. She's so cute! Happy Birthday!!

  3. aaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww....warmed my heart on this cold dreary Minnesota morning! Have a great day!

  4. Such a sweet cake! Happy Birthday, Emma :)

  5. I love the cake and Happy 1st birthday to your little girl. 8-)

  6. That's a perfect little cake for you perfectly adorable little girl. Happy 1st Birthday to her. ~Paula

  7. Thank you for sharing such great information.
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