Friday, May 31, 2013

It's been one of those weeks...

...where the days go by so fast!

So no cakes or cookies in today's post.

 I have been thinking that every now and them I will like to share with you other things I do. I am mom, I love coupons, I get stress, I worry, I like sales, reading and many others things.
Any thoughts? would it be weird to post other things but cakes here?

Any way,  the weather has been great, compare from last week's rain, which I am not too much of a fan.

We had a great Memorial Day weekend, we were able to get some rest and also went to a friend's house for a BBQ. The girls had a great time, and we had great food.

I finally took Lucas for his yearly appointment, he is heart worm free (enter happy face here) he also got his vaccine shot, poor thing, he slept all day the day he got it.

I did another Minnie Mouse cake, turned out so cute, pics coming soon.

Does anyone else takes joy arranging their sprinkle collection or just me?

Cami had a recital this week, E, Daddy and I went, the auditorium was probably 100 degrees but we made it. It was so exciting to see my girl singing her heart out.

And cute little E is now wearing older sister Summer dresses

My disappointment of the week....baked and decorated tons of horse cookies for an order, they never dry! it was so hot and humid that the royal icing was sticky. I can't even begin to tell you how stress I was, specially because I was supposed to chip them today. Now FedEx will be happy when I pay overnight for these cuties, my wallet won't be feeling the same.

How was your week?


  1. I love these kinds of post - where to get to know the blogger :) I'm so sorry about the horse cookies - how frustrating!

  2. Your sprinkle collection cupboard is so cute! I can see why it makes you happy. I enjoy hearing about your sweet family, Kathia:)
    Just looking at your cookies in the trash makes my heart beat faster....arrrrgggghhh! I bet you will be glad when the order is shipped and gone, and you can forget about it.

  3. On the bright side, your horse cookies are adorable!! I am totally making these for my friend who loves horses!!


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