Friday, June 21, 2013

Abby Cadabby Cookies

With 2 kids, a full time job and baking on the side, life certainly has been very busy around here. The weatherr has been wonderful this week and we are taking full advantage of it. The kids and I go for long walks every day after work, even my poor Lucas is happy the I am taking him out more often. He has gained so much weight that he certainly need it.

This week I took sometime off away from cakes, it feels great. I can't lie.
However cookies have taken over and is ok with me because I have gotten to play with my beloved kopykake more.

These Abby Cadabby cookies were definitely a labor of love, very time consuming as they needed to be made in layers. It is my first time making them, of course, there is room for improvement but so far I am pretty happy with the results.

Have a good weekend. Hope you enjoy it as much I we will do, we are going to see Monster University the movie and Cami is counting the hours.
Are you doing anything fun?


  1. Gorgeous cookies, Kathia! Cookie breaks can be pretty relaxing :)

  2. Really cute cookies. I just received my kopykake. I need to try Abby.

  3. Amazing detail - wow! I will show my Sidney - she'll love them.


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