Thursday, August 29, 2013

We are going on Vacation....

We are starting the weekend with a slice of cake!! 

It's been a great Summer, I have done so many fun things with the kids, from crafts to baking and lots of park time and Sesame Place.
In late afternoons, we usually have an impromptu picnic right outside our apartment. 

School starts in just a couple weeks in my area, so a vacation is a must right before the more running around, classes, homework, dance and more classes begin. 

This vacation is going to be extra special because....

We are going to drive 16 hours to Florida. Add a few more for stops, eating, gas and potty. With a toddler and a 6 year old and a car full of everything you can think of. Snacks, drinks, DVD, IPad, coloring books, markers and many more toys. My Pinterest Disney Board has been a life saver. 

We are so excited!! I started to prepare last week and I have been frozen plenty of water and milk for the road. We are also bringing our own food for the road as we do not like to buy fast food.

We are taking a well deserve break, we will be having lunch with the Princesses and 
Cami is ready for her Ariel transformation.

I can't wait to experience this road trip with my little family 
and their first time in The Happiest Place on Earth
I will see you in a couple of weeks!! 


  1. Have an amazing time on your trip! Can't wait to hear all about it.

  2. Disney is a magical place! You guys will have so much fun!

  3. Have a wonderful time with your SWEET family, Kathia!


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