Friday, September 20, 2013

Fail Cake-Keeping it it Real! Butterscotch Cream Roll-Up for The Cake Slice Bakers

Well, I like to keep it real. Today is one of those kind of post.
I do have dirty dishes on my sink, toys all over the house that I sometimes remove when I post pictures on Instagram.

I also have days when I am lazy and I do not follow recipes, because-enter lazy again- and because I do not feel motivated by a particular baking good. I know you might be thinking that Why do I bake it in the first place if I do not want to?
Well, I do want to try it, I am curious or I just want to test it so I am prepared when I am going to do it for "real"

This month's cake for The Cake Slice Bakers is the Butterscotch Cream Roll. It is made with an authentic butterscotch sauce, with real whisky in it.
This cake seemed like a little work for me, but thinking about the crunch of the slice almonds and making butterscotch buttercream was kind of excited for me.

But then ..I was getting ready for my vacation, and packing, and the kids.

Any way, enter cake fail.
Things like this happen when you do not use real cold heavy cream.

And things like this happen when you over bake bake a cake because you thought you put your timer on but you didn't.

And then you end up so disappointed with the results  that you are not motivated to make a delicious Butterscotch buttercream. 

Lesson of the day:

If you are not motivated to do something with love and care, don't do it.

Keeping it real Friday!!

Have a good weekend.


  1. We all have those "real" days. ;)

    At least if you decide to make it again, you'll know what not to do lol!


  2. Oh sorry for your very 'real' day! But I agree with you, if your heart isn't in it, sometimes it's best to wait to bake when you are really in the mood for it. Hope the next cake treats you better! : )

  3. Appreciate your keeping it real. Great reminder, too, about ignoring shoulds and have-tow and going for the want toe, and love too =)

  4. I hear you loud and clear! My cake didn't come close to what I had in mind as far as appearance but it was good. I bought one of those teeny tiny bottles of whiskey for the sauce. Since we only needed one tablespoon, guess what happened to the rest!

  5. Well... I applaud you for still making it... even if you weren't feeling it! Sometimes you'll be surprised you get the best cake ever regardless of the hurries (although I agree, it's best to take your time with baking and enjoy the process) ... I am sorry it wasn't like that this time for you! :)

  6. I love that you kept it real. We all have those days, and goodness knows I've had my share of them. Sometimes we just have to dust ourselves off and move on to the next baking challenge. I am looking forward to seeing what you bake for next month :)

  7. I have those days often, so you are not alone. My house is also dirty with toys and there are always dishes to wash. Sometimes I want to go in the closet and just sit there with a book, but I only do that on really bad bad days, hehe. Next time will be a great day and cake!!

  8. You'll be back in the cake groove before you know it! And for what it's worth, even though the cake didn't turn out the way you planned, it still looks delicious!!

  9. But you what Kathia... it still looks good! And I am sure it tasted perfectly fine too :) Hazel x

  10. We all have those days. I hope the next one is better.

  11. It was still a good try and it was plated and pictures taken! Good job!

  12. You're so cute. Thank you for your honesty and real-ism :-)

    Hope the next month's cake is better!


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