Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Applesauce Spice Cake-Cake of the month with The Cake Slice Bakers

I am excited to be baking again with The Cake Slice Bakers and this month we are baking a cake from our brand new baking book.
  Great Cakes from Carole Walter.

I have to be honest and say that when I first got the book I wasn't too thrilled about it. This book is lacking a good amount of pictures and I am a very visual person with a deep love for beautiful finished cakes.
 After a quick reading I realized that there are a lot of really good cake recipes and 
I am looking forward to try them.

This month's cake is Applesauce Spice Cake, page 194

 The cake recipe includes grated apples ( I actually chopped mine) and apple sauce, add to that toasted pecans and the flavor and texture is really good. 
It is hard to tell in the picture, but the cake has a Brown Sugar Glaze which turned out really good despite my dislike for sugary glazes. 
 Follow The Cake Slice Bakers on Facebook , for updates and useful baking tips!


  1. Your cake looks gorgeous! Make sure you link it up ... so everyone can stop by and admire it! ;) Great job!

  2. You cake looks so yummy!
    I agree with you about the lack of pictures but hey now there isn't anything to worry about if it looks like the book. ;)


  3. True enough Kathia. Despite the photos the cake and glaze are scrumptious!

  4. Your cake looks FABULOUS!! My glaze was also invisible!

  5. Great job and welcome back to the group!

  6. Haha Kathia, I also chopped my apples and dislike sweet glazes. But all in all the cake turned out pretty alright! Love your cake :)

  7. Your cake looks wonderful Kathia. I am definitely going to make a thinner glaze next time. I have actually owned this book for quite some time, so I knew about the lack of photos in advance. I am excited that we will all be able to put our own stamp on the cakes we make, and there is going to be so much variety.

  8. Your cake looks great Kathia!

  9. Nice work Kathia! Your cake looks great :) Hazel x

  10. Glad to have you back and baking Kathia! Your cake turned out beautifully! I felt the same way about the lack of photos in the book. But like you, I realized there are so many good cakes in this book. Looking forward to what next month brings! : )

  11. Kathia, like you, I'm not too happy about the lack of pictures but I guess we can always create our own pictures for the cakes instead :) Glad you like this cake. To many more bakes together!


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