Monday, May 16, 2011

We are having a...

Happy Monday!
I am finally getting some sunshine, the past few weeks have been a roller coaster of news around here.
I want to thank all the people who have been so kind and have taken a little time to email me, pray for my family and leave me some comments, I truly appreciate the fact that through this blog I have made wonderful blog friends. I have been away from my computer and I haven't been able to stop by and say hello in your blogs, hopefully this week I am going to catch up.

Stay tune for a few giveaways coming up. On a very happy news, guess what we are having? 

Have a great week everyone.


  1. YAYYYYY!!!! Boys are fun, but there is nothing sweeter than a little girl. I'm crossing my fingers that I will get another girl someday too!

    Congrats, Kathia!!!

  2. Felicidades Kathia, que emoción! Mis mejores deseos para ti y tu familia, besos...

  3. Congratulations Kathia! I can't wait to see all the gloriously pink and frilly cakes/cupcakes and cookies to come out of your kitchen for the years to come! :o)

    Loren @ The Baking Sheet

  4. GIRLS ARE TOTALLY MORE FUN! Oh Kathia, what a blessing! I shall continue to pray for you and your family! Congratulations!

  5. Congratulations on another little girl!
    Your cookies are beautiful too!

  6. Congrats on the little girl!!!

    I just had my little girl and it is the best thing in the world!

  7. Congrats on your great news! I'm glad things are looking up for you, Kathia:)

  8. So incredibly happy and excited for your healthy baby GIRL! Those cookies are adorable. I love the pink and white polka-dotted onsie!! Yay for babies!!

  9. Kathia!!! Muchas felicidades por la bebé que va a llegar!!! Me alegro de que estés mejor de ánimos.
    Las galletas son preciosas.
    Muchos besos!

  10. Yay!! A baby girl, Congratulations! Its such great news and i'm happy to hear things are a bit better. The little pink cookies are so cute, I can imagine there will be a lot more pretty pink bakes to come.

  11. OH WOW....Congrats... that is wonderful news. and the cookies are A DOR A BLE.....

  12. Wonderful!!! A sweet little girl :)

    God bless

  13. Whoohoo - congratulations!!! Seems like it's been a long time since I've visited your blog. I obviously have some catching up to do.

  14. Hi Kathia - Still sending lots of positive energy to you and your family. Your cookies are as sweet as you!

  15. Congratulations! And those cookies are sooooo cute.

  16. Kathia, Congratulations! That is wonderful news!

  17. Congratulations Kathia.Cookies look beautiful:)

  18. Congratulation Kathia. That is awesome news!

  19. I am soo happy for you!!! WHen is your due date again? I have something special for her :)

  20. Congrats!! Such cute cookies for a sweet baby on the way!


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