Friday, November 11, 2011

Gobble-Gobble-Thanksgiving cookies

My last week of maternity leave is gone and next Monday I am going back to work.Part of me is really sad about leaving the baby at day care and part of me is happy to get out of my pijamas,talk to adults and go back to work. The bright side is that I know my baby will be in good hands with people that I know... after all I am not the only mom who goes back to work .

Since I had to do another tutorial for The Cookie Cutter Company's site, I decided to make some cookies for the teachers at the Day Care. Thanksgiving is around the corner and is never to early to say THANK YOU!.

These cookies turned out really cute and you don't need hours of cookie decorating work  to put them together.

To make these Thanksgiving Cookie designs you will need:

  • Indian Cookie cutter
  • Turkey Cookie cutter
  • White, dark and light brown, red,orange and black royal icing ( stiff for pipping and thin for flooding the cookies)
  • Pastry bags, couplers and tips #1,#2 and #59
  • Toothpicks
  • Rainbow sprinkles
  • Food writer
To make the Native American Cookies 
This is the first time for me making these cookies, since I do not have a cookie projector ( and I am sure most of you don't have it either ) I just decided to pull some clip art from the Internet for inspiration.

I hand traced the images using a food writer, I think is easier to do it this way
instead of piping directly onto the cookie.


Start piping the lines of both cookies with stiff black royal icing using tip #1 and let them dry for a few hours

I have to say that I enjoyed making the braids for this little fella, I also added the sprinkles to pop a little color . You do not have to worry about making feet and hands with a lot of detail,
 I just piped some brown lines.

This next cookie is even easier to decorate

*After you are done flooding the cookie, let it dry for a few hours. Attach the sprinkles with a dot of orange royal icing. For the necklace and the pants details  use tip #1. 

Making the Turkey cookies

Pipe and flood the cookies. Let them dry completely before moving into the next step


For this Turkey cookie, let the cookie dry completely before you start adding the details.

Add the eye and the wattle with tip #1 using stiff icing

Using tip #59 pipe the feathers with white stiff royal icing . I love using this tip because it has a
 curved ribbon border and swag that creates an exciting effect.


This brown and red Turkey cookie has a little more detail

1-Flood the cookie with the brown icing
2-While the icing is still wet, using flood type icing in a squeeze bottle pipe orange and red icing stripes in semicircles around the tail area.
3-Draw a toothpick through the orange and red tail stripes from edge of cookie toward body.
4-Using flood orange icing, pipe a few semicircles to make the wing and draw toothpick through them .Let the cookie dry for a few hours.
Once the cookie is dry, pipe the eye,feet and wattle using tip #1 and outline the tail with brown stiff royal icing and tip #2.

And what about an almost plain tasty cookie?
 If you are in a rush it doesn't mean that you can't still make some cute cookies.
For this cookie I didn't want to flood it, I just added details for character and a pop of color


Have a great weekend and thank you for stopping by.

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  1. Great job on your Thanksgiving cookies! Love the toothpick technique on the turkey!

  2. So cute Kathia! I am so impressed you were able to do these with a newborn around. You never cease to amaze me. :)

  3. Back to work already - I can't imagine. We are lucky here in Canada - we get the option of 6-12 months. You take care!

  4. You are so fortunate to have the baby being looked after by people you know. It certainly eases the mind each day at drop-off. Hope the transition back into the work force goes without too many hic-cups.
    Your cookies are great, love your Native American ones!

  5. goodness but hese are little works of art!! they are beautiful... I wanna frame them!

    Tassels Twigs and Tastebuds

  6. Your maternity leave is already up? It doesn't seem like it has been that long! It should go without saying, but I ADORE that brown and red turkey cookie! Your cookies are always so pretty; I just don't have the patience!


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