Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Introducing..."Cake Artist" of the month

Starting today,I will be launching a feature on my blog call:

"Cake artist of the month", where I would be featuring one of my favorite cake designers the 1st of every month.
There is so much talent out there when it comes to cakes that sometimes we all don't get to see them around.

This month I am so excited to bring you Stephanie from Cake Fixation, stop by her blog, you not only will find amazing cakes but also great tutorials, including the one showing you how to make a cake dragon ( see picture below)

Hi there! Want to know a little about me? Well, read on…

I’m Stephanie, former cake business owner and writer of Cake Fixation. As a cake fan who enjoys reading and learning from the many cake sites and blogs on the Internet, I wanted to share my own knowledge and showcase my favorite cakes by creating my blog, Cake Fixation.
Originally from Dallas, Texas I’ve been fortunate enough to learn from great cake designers such as Bronwen Webber, Colette Peters, Nicolas Lodge, and Debbie Brown. I love trying new things and creating over-the-top designs that are completely edible too!
I hope you will follow along in my adventures!

Feel free to check Stephanie's portfolio over on at Facebook, Twitter and Flickr pages.

Do you like to make custom cakes and are interested to show case your talent over at my blog? Send me and email at castrokm@hotmail.com with a link to your blog, I would love to see your work.


  1. I love them! It always amazes me what people can do with cake and sugar.

  2. She's so talented and generous with her time to put together her tutorials!

  3. Thanks Kathia. I'm honored to be a part of your blog.

  4. I'm going to love this new feature on your blog. What a lovely thing to do. Stephanie is extremely talented and her cake creations are awesome! Paula at Vanilla Bean Baker

  5. what a FANTASTIC IDEA! Can't wait to check her amazing creations out!

  6. wow¡¡ kathia , a nice project¡¡ I'll hope every month your post¡¡ I know cakefixation ,and her superb jobs¡¡¡¡

  7. She's one of my fave cake artists too! I adore all her creations! Never fail to wow me!

  8. Wow, such great cakes!! Great project, Kathia :)


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