Monday, May 7, 2012

Mother's Day Wish List

Once again I like to make it easier for my husband on the gift buying department. You know, just in case he has nothing to do and decides to stop by the blog ( yea, right!)

I love Peggy Porschen cakes, they are colorfull, clean and totally adorable. I can't wait to get my hands on this book.
Boutique Baking by Peggy Porschen

I have seeing people using The Mat, it seems way to easy to use, I would like to know what's the fuss about.

The Mat

I need this alphabet cutters, as well as the DVS, I am just too cheap and refuse to pay for shipping.

Boxes and Bows DVDs

and then there is this bag!!!! I keep dreaming about it
If I win the lottery like tomorrow I would love this bag ( of, wait, I need to buy lottery tickets first).
I would take it everywhere, and I could fit my endless stack of things in my purse.

Kate Spade Bag

Alright, I will keep dreaming.
What do you like to get for Mother's day? any wish list,? I would love to know.


  1. I sure hope you get something from your list! Or what about a free day off to do whatever Kathia would like to do!

  2. Best wishes for a lovely Mother's Day Kathia and may at least one of the above wishes come true for you. ~ Paula

  3. New follower! I am loving the blog~ it's delicious!

  4. Those are some cute stuff Kathia; I hope you get lots for Mother's Day! Your hubby had better be reading your blog!


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