Monday, June 18, 2012

Graduation cake-We did it!!

We did it!
and no, it wasn't us graduating from Pre K, it was our little Camilla.
Last Friday  was her graduation and we were beyond excited, I was nervous making sure she knew all her lines for the songs and poems of the ceremony.
At the end, we had such a good time and everything went really well.
I made a little cake for her classroom snack time, my first time making the "ruffle cake".
 Not that bad but I definitely need more practice.

Proud mama!

If you don't mind me sharing, here are some pic of the day.

Have a wonderful week everyone.


  1. Qué preciosa tarta para una preciosa princesa!!! Tu pequeña es una belleza y con su vestido de graduación está muy simpática!
    Besos Kathia

  2. I love this cake. It's so simple yet so gorgeous. The ruffles look brilliant for a first attempt. I really want to try ruffles too. xx

  3. Camilla is adorable, great photo of the two of you. She must have been very proud of the lovely cake you made for her class. I think your ruffles look great and I love your bright rainbow. Congratulations to your little Camilla :) Paula

  4. Kathia, I haven't forgotten about your e-mail, I just haven't got to it yet. Congratulations to your sweet little Cami, what a cutie-pie! The cake is super cute too, I bet all the kids loved it!

  5. Congratulations - thank you for sharing the lovely photos of your beautiful daughter! All the best!!

  6. First, congrats to Camilla! This has to be the cutest rainbow/ruffle cake ever!! You are so talented!

  7. Te ha quedado muy bonito el ruffle cake :D ¡Felicidades para tu pequeña CAmilla! Qué bonitas fotos.

  8. Your rainbow cake makes me happy! The photos of the two of you are so sweet:) Congrats to the little graduate!


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