Monday, June 25, 2012

Homemade Marshmallow Lollipops

Last week I made homemade marshmallows for the first time, it was easy and delicious.
Now I am officially obsess with them and I couldn't wait to make marshmallow lollipops.
Piece of cake!
Aren't they yummy and good looking?

 To make marshmallow lollipops I used the same vanilla recipe as last time and I added 3 drops of sky blue gel coloring. I can't wait to make new flavors and use different colors.
Can you imagine pink with bubble gum flavor, green with pistachio flavor,lavender, oh the possibilities are endless.

Instruction to make the marshmallow lollipops:

1-Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and coat it with with cooking spray. I used canola because that's what I had at home.

2- Make the marshmallow batter and fill a large pastry bag fitted with a medium round tip.
3-Pipe long lines in parallel rows across the baking sheet. Do not dust with marshmallow coating. Let the marshmallow "lines"set for 1 hour.

4-After an hour, you will see that the marshmallow can be gently lifted without breaking.

5- Line another baking sheet with parchment paper and dust it with marshmallow coating.

6-Roll the lines of marshmallow into coins and lay them flat on the baking sheet.
7-When you have rolled them all, dust them with marshmallow coating and let them cure for 3 hours in a cool place.
8-After curing the marshmallows for 3 hours, insert the lollipops sticks pushing them almost all the way through the top.

Use a pastry brush to brush off any excess of coating.


They were good and I can't wait to make more!


  1. What a cute creation! My kids were excited to see them!

  2. I made marshmallow a couple of Christmases ago. I used a pot that was a little bit to small and made a HUGE mess! This look awesome!

    You should bring baked goods to Blogher. =)

  3. Oh Kathia, these are the cutest marshmallows I've ever seen. I've only cut mine into the usual shapes, but I'll have to remember this trick next time.

  4. Yes these are yummy and delicious looking. I really should try making home-made marshmallows soon. You are having so much fun, I want in too :)~ Paula

  5. Wow! Fabulous idea!!! I pinned it!

  6. These look so pretty!! What a coincident! I too made marshmallow recently! They are so delicious! Why didn't you make lollipops earlier so i can borrow your idea? LOL! The only thing i didn't quite like was it was such a sticky mess!

  7. sorry.. meant to type "coincidence.." :)

  8. OMG these look sooo good..... LOOOve them! thanks for sharing!

  9. How many of the pops did you get out of one recipe? And, have you rolled the sides in sugar?

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