Monday, March 10, 2014

Mason Jar St. Patrick's Day Cookies-Tutorial

 Happy Monday !!!
I hope you all had a great weekend. We enjoyed the beautiful weather and a visit to the park, the kids were thrilled. Spring is just around the corner and Spring cookies are already in my mind. 

In the mean time, St. Patrick's Day  is next week and I couldn't pass the opportunity to make some cookies for The Cookie Cutter Company.
 But not any cookies, Mason Jars cookies! 
Do you love Mason jars? I do! they come in so many sizes, wide and even colors, I love storing pretty much anything I can fit on them. 

What about taking the Mason Jar to the next level making some puffy St. Patrick’s Day Cookies? Making cookies using a mason jar cookie cutter not only is elegant but also unexpected, great cookie favor for any party theme.

I happened to have some homemade marshmallow fondant around the house and some leftover royal icing, I also felt kind of lazy making more royal icing so I decided to make cookies covered in fondant instead.

I know, 101% people do not like fondant in cookies. But I can tell you that using a good quality fondant will make a big difference in the testing. Plus the cookies end up super cute and the best part …easy and faster to make.

Now, let's make some cookies!

To make these cookies you will need:

Shamrock sprinkles

Light and dark green marshmallow fondant or other good quality fondant
Small amount of royal icing
Rolling pin
Rolling mat
Confectioner’s sugar
Plastic wrap
Paring knife
Ruler or embosser

Dust your rolling mat with confectioner’s sugar and roll the fondant out

-Place a piece of plastic wrap on top of the fondant and using the Mason jar cookie cutter cut  the jar shape

 Placing plastic wrap on top of the fondant, make it puffy, which is the look you are looking for.

Use your pairing knife to trip the lid.

With a dad of royal icing attach the fondant to the cookies

Follow the same procedure as making the Mason jar to make and attach the lids.

I love textured diamond patterns on fondant,they look like quilted fabric and it is very simple to make. You can use a quilting tool found at any craft store, but also you can use a ruler like I show you here in the pictorial.

With a ruler, press lightly over the fondant in diagonal lines going in one direction.
Repeat the diagonal lines from the opposite corner to create a diamond pattern

Pipe a small dot of icing where you want to place the shamrock sprinkle.

This another cookie with a smaller diamond pattern

What about getting a little fancy?  Using a crimper on fondant will allow you for other easy to make designs. This fabulous cake decorating tool look like small thongs with patterned edges, there are many shapes available and the patterns you can create are endless. 

Stop by The Cookie CutterCompany and browsetheir high quality and affordable cookie cutters.

Have a good week!!


  1. Wow just perfect food for St Paddy's Day.. I was actually just browsing for St Patrick's day recipes and this is just so cute and yummy looking! Please allow me to pin them on my board. Thank you so much!

  2. I'm smitten with this design! I just love the texture that the fondant gives these cookies!
    Renee - Kudos Kitchen

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