Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Creepy Giveaway

Do you want to bake some creepy cupcakes for Halloween? Do you want this awesome book? I actually won one of these books a few months ago in a blog giveaway and I can tell you it is the BEST! the recipes and instructions are great. Well if you don't have it yet,here is your chance. I am offering my second blog giveaway ( my first one was a disaster!). To qualify, if you don't mind, you must complete two things:

1-Please sign up as a follower on my blog.
2-Leave me comment letting me know what is your favorite thing to do on Halloween. Stay home and open the door every second?, are you the one who turns the lights off so you don't have to give out candy?, do you like to go trick or treating with your kids? what ever!

I will put your names on a box and I will ask my precious Cami to pull a name out for me ( I have no clue how to use You will have a chance to enter until Tuesday the 20th at 12 noon, I will announce the winner on Wednesday the 21st in the morning so I will have time to get your prize out in the mail ASAP so you can make your Halloween cupcakes on time. Good Luck! I will be looking forward to read your comments.


  1. I am already a follower:) My favorite thing to do on Halloween is go to a Halloween carnival!

  2. I am already a follower and love your blog! On Halloween we have a Harvest Party at our local town hall. A girlfriend of mine and a few others started a Harvest Party 20+ years ago for all the local kids with a more Christian theme. We have games and prizes, food, a cake walk, and a costume contest. Everything is donated and we usually have anywhere from 40-60 kids ages up to 6th grade. It is a huge success and the fee to get in is a bag of candy. We take all the candy, mix it up and at the end of the night each child gets a bag of candy back with the assortment that was brought.

  3. I am already a follower of your blog. On Halloween me and my son give candies to all the kids who comes trick or treat.

  4. Hi Kathia,

    I am a follower of course! I love Halloween and we get up to 400 trick-or-treaters or perhaps more here. I just ordered $170 in candy and hope it will last. We never turn off the lights. I won't let me husband. I'll run to the store and grab more candy if I have to.

    In the past friends have brought their candy too. It's a zoo here on Halloween.

    I think my favorite thing though is the excitment of my little girl. I only have a few short years of trick or treating with her. I don't want it to end!

    Ohhh and I don't have that book! Camilla I'm rooting for you to pick me!


  5. Since I'm probably your very first follower and biggest fan I thought I could play along too! What a great giveaway!
    I can't wait for Halloween-- there is one street in our town that completely closes down to traffic. One house actually sets up a stage and puts on a show--the kids and adults love it. Everyone dresses up--can't wait to see what they have planned for this year. You guys should join us.

  6. Have been following you for awhile now. Awesome blog. I spend halloween helping my sister out with her 3 boys. I usually show up and help her get everyone in costume and then we take them to a harvest festival in downtown. We always have a blast. I would love to try out some of these cupcakes on the boys.

  7. Nice giveaway! I've been following you for quite some time :), and my favorite thing to do is answer the door and give out candy. We only get a handful of kids in our neighborhood, so I love the look on the kids' faces when I give them full-size candy bars!

  8. I'm a follower!

    We don't have kids but we LOVE Halloween so we make caramel apples and popcorn balls and make sure our house is decorated extra sppoky so that we get as many trick or treaters as possible! I love hearing the doorbell ring!

  9. I'm a follower too...I love carving pumpkins and cooking the seeds to munch on.

  10. I am so wanting this book. LIke CRAZY wanting it!!


  11. I am already a follower. We don't celebrate Halloween in too much fervour here, but I love dressing up for the parties :) :)

  12. I'm a follower, too! (just a quiet one...) I am excited about this halloween because my little one can finally trick or treat. Usually me n the hubby hang out and tell the dogs to stop barking as we pass out candy. That used to be my favorite- I think this year will be my new favorite!

  13. Don't enter me in the contest--have the book, but I will be a follower for sure! Your cakes are great! Where were you in these pictures and where in NJ are you? I am in NJ too!! So funny!

  14. Long time follower!

    My favorite thing to do on Halloween? Since we have no kids, we stay at home, usually sit on the front porch and hand out candy to the kids and hot apple cider to the adults.


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