Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Yes, you can make fun of me!!

I thought you might wanted to have a good laugh at my expense, so I just want to share some pics with you. This is me, here all I am thinking is am I going to take this cake with me?

And yes, this is the cake that I took to Pennstation, NY and have it on my lap for 45 minutes, maybe more, no wonder my legs were numb! Cake is far from over, it is sitting in my refrigerator!


  1. OMG! Well, I thought that I've seen some pretty weird stuff on the sub-way, but this takes the cake--pun totally intended! Too funny Melis---you must have been getting some pretty funny looks that day.
    Call me later--I have to drop something off after taking Zolie to school, so if I'm not home I'll call you ASAp.

  2. I bet people just wanted to know what it is supposed to be! HERE'S LOOKING AT YOU!!!Hopefully you will show us the final product....
    I love your imagination and designs. I wish I was closer so I could just come over with my fork!

  3. I can't wait to see the end result of this!!


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