Thursday, March 29, 2012

Little Man Cookies

A lucky little boy was turning 1 and his mom planned a party for almost 150 people.
The theme of the party was Little Man, there were mustaches, bow ties every where in the decorations.
These were the cookies I made for the party
( his mom wanted red hair on the cookies to match the little boy's hair) 

I used a gingerbread man cookie cutter to make the cookies.
I did the hair first.
Outline and flood cookie. Let cookie dry overnight.

Add details.

Wrap cookies in cello bag and tie them with a ribbon.

So what do you think? cute?
Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. Very, very cute and that's a lot of cookies! 150 people at a birthday party WOW!

  2. You did a great job, Kathia! I love seeing them all lined up, ready to go! Sounded like a BIG birthday bash!


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