Monday, April 2, 2012

Cookie Love-Sponsored Post by

It’s certainly no secret: everyone loves cookies. Name one person you know who’s revolted at the mention of Oreos or hides when Girl Scouts come to take their annual cookie order. I tried – I don’t know any. Cookies are a global indulgence. They’re sent with love in gift baskets, brought to doorsteps to welcome new neighbors, and are still handed out at parties, weddings and showers. But not all of us have the knack for making the perfect cookie. I’ve pulled charred, wafer-thin crisps out of my oven more times than I care to admit. But after talking with others, I found that I’m not the only person with a cookie handicap.
So, no matter part of the cookie process stumps you, rest assured that these tips will help you turn out delicious dozens:

Mix a little love into your dough, that is to say, treat it lovingly. If you’re furious, fed up, and/or peeved, it’ll show in your dough. It’s okay to not have liquid smooth cookie dough. Actually, it’s preferred.

Keep it Cool
Dough can be like that mess in the Cat in the Hat: it gets everywhere. It sticks to the spatula, then the spoon, then your fingers, then the spoon again, and eventually (let’s face it), your mouth. Stick the dough in fridge and you’ll be mess-free.

Kitchen Fairy Dust
Also known as flour, is pretty magical. Don’t you hate it when all you can show for your afternoon off is some sad, flat chars that were supposed to be cookies? Sprinkle your pan with some flour before you put them in the oven to keep the spreading to a minimum. Putting the dough in the fridge before hand, as indicated above will help with this too.

The Tin Man
If there was a superhero in my life, it would probably be tin foil. No matter how many cookie sheets I buy, I always seem to only have one or two on hand, and this is where tin foil comes in. [Clarion.] Make cookie sheets out of tin foil and place them on top of the actual ones. As soon as the cookies come out of the oven, remove the tin foil with cookies on it and run the pan under water. Then place a new layer of tin foil (dough balls already to go) on top of the cookie sheet. Voila! Cookie time in no time.

Wonder(ful) Bread
Having trouble keeping those cookies soft? Store them with bread or apple slices, which will donate moisture to your creations, keeping them gooey for whoever steals cookies from the jar.

About the author; Trudy Abood is the VP of, one of the top suppliers of quality gift baskets. She is a mom of 2 boys, one of which founded GGB and the other is also VP at the company. She formally owned Chalifour's Flowers in Manchester, NH; the largest flower shop in the state
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post by

1 comment:

  1. Look at all these GREAT TIPS!! I thank you! I know several people who would love a gift basket like these are so lovely! Thanks for the heads up on this great site!!


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