Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Egg Issues and a Sugarlicious Book Giveaway

The major Easter issue I have is that I do not get the concept of bunnies and eggs together. When I moved here years ago, I kept seeing eggs all over the place around Easter time, I asked and asked around why eggs? I never got an answer. Now I just go with the flow and enjoy making Easter baskets for my little girls, including lots of eggs of course.

I also have other issues... like a 4 year old splashing water on my cookies before taking pictures of them for the blog. But that's another story.

And since I haven't had a giveaway in a few months I thought this was the perfect time to
giveaway my friend Meaghan's book, Sugarlicious.

I am totally assuming you already have it, but you always can get an extra copy for a friend or family member right?

I am including other goodies in the giveaway too.
But first you might have to put up with my water tinted cookie pictorial.

and there are some eggs that just want to run away....

Sprinkles, lollipops and marshmallows will come with the book.
You know how talented Meaghan is with marshmallows, and her book is full of very easy to follow instructions not only to make super cute marshmallow pops but also cupcakes, cookies
and my new favorite ...candy clay.
Whether you are a beginner or a pro in the sweets departments, this book is for you.

See what I am saying...totally adorable.

So, what do you have to do to win this giveaway?

Very simple, just leave me a comment telling me what are you cooking for Easter
Since I will be home alone with the girls, I like to torture myself thinking in what others are doing with their families.

For extra entries:
post the giveaway on Facebook or Twitter

Giveaway will be closed on Easter Sunday at midnight. Winner will be announce in this post on Monday April 9th.
Winner has 48 hours to respond after being notified before another winner is drawn

Good luck and Happy Easter!

The winner is here!!! Congratulations Natalie and thank you everyone for entering the giveaway, I had a great time reading all the yummy things you were going to make on Easter.

Natalie said... I'm cooking nothing for Easter.
But I will bring a roast chicken to my mother in laws because I don't like ham.
April 4, 2012 6:05 PM


  1. It is kind of random, huh? Your eggs are adorable, however!! I love them. You are so talented.

  2. The Easter Bunny and Easter eggs are remnants of a much older pagan holiday. Rabbits and eggs symbolized fertiltiy and people used to hide eggs for the women to hunt. If a woman found an egg, it was supposed to be an omen that she would soon get pregnant. Still doesn't make much sense, huh? :) But your cookies, as always, are precious!

    Now for that giveaway, for Easter we'll be cooking a ham with potato salad and deviled eggs. And I'm sure I'll whip up SOMETHING sweet!!

  3. Not cooking!!! Heading over to my parents house!!

  4. I'm not entering the giveaway but wanted to comment. You never know what is going to happen when you decorate with kids but one thing is for sure, it is always fun.
    All your Easter cookies are great! Love the purple sugared chick coming out of the egg. So cute!

  5. Orthodox Easter will be celebrated on the 15th of April, this year. We always have meat cooked on charcoal, pastitsio (Greek pasta recipe), egg salad and roasted potatoes. Have a Happy Easter!

  6. I'm not really cooking, however, I am considering a delicious chocolate cake for a friend, and maybe some decorated cookies if I get the time... But easter is mostly planned with painting and putting up things in our bathroom...

  7. I am making a spiral ham, and hot iron cookies

  8. A big family Ukrainian meal. Traditional and full of the favorites! I am also making cupcakes and cookies for Easter too.

  9. Love the creative additions to your Easter cookies, especially the little chickie feet hehe! I will be making our standard cheesecake for our Easter dessert. Thanks for the chance to win. I would love to own a copy of this cookbook because it looks so super cute!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Such a great giveaway! Please, random, pick me up! :D For Easter I've baked these cookies and baby chick cake pops I hope you like them as much as I love your Easter eggs :)


  12. I love the egg cookies and I never noticed any water spots in the pictures. LOL

    My husband is cooking a turkey for Easter for our family and I'm going to be making some fab harvest mashed potatoes and assorted veggie sides. This is my first Easter not eating meat and I'm looking forward to having the things I really enjoy and that includes pumpkin pie. You'd swear it was fall. ;-)

  13. He compartido tu giveaway en mi Facebook :)

  14. Ham! Biscuits, mashed potatoes, asparagus, peas, carrots (we like vegetables) and Angel Food Cake!

    margueritecore [at] gmail [dot] com

  15. I'm cooking nothing for Easter. But I will bring a roast chicken to my mother in laws because I don't like ham.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I celebrate Passover and I'm not cooking anything because we are going to my inlaws! I will probably help make some cakes and icecream though!

    rufful at gmail dot com

  18. Aha I love the egg cookie with the little legs and wings poking out. So funny and soo cute!

  19. Well I'm not making anything, I'm on vacation (alone with the girls) but I'll be eating! So I hear ya!

  20. I'm making a family-size Mac N Cheese!

  21. We are doing something different this year aand grilling out with friends.

  22. Have two Easters this year. My husband celebrates orthodox so this year we celebrate twice. For my Easter I'm cooking stuffed cabbage, pot roast, potatoes, veggies. For dessert I'm making seven layer cookies in Easter colors with whits chocolate ganache instead of dark......and, since I'm also celebrating my moms birthday...making an awesome Easter cake I found. Has lemon curd frosting and coconut. Oh yeah, and me and my daughter made cute Easter gingerbread cut outs with royal icing. Ok I'm full already.

  23. I'm actually celebrating Passover this weekend, and am doing something very unlike me - I'm not cooking! I'm sitting back and enjoying the good food that my family is preparing, including a Passover-friendly sponge cake with raspberry filling and chocolate buttercream...definitely looking forward to that!

  24. I'm having a traditional ham dinner. Your cookies are so cute with their little legs sticking out:) Tee hee!

  25. beautiful!!!!. I'm thinking on adapting the mini three layers cake to Easter...uhmmm!!

  26. I'm having a lot of people over so I'm starting with a relish tray,onion tarts,sausage mascarpone filled puff pastry breads shaped like eggs, 3 variety's of deviled eggs... Then for the main course I'm making a ham and a roast leg of lamb,Roasted asparagus, homemade Au gratin potatoes and mac and cheese with 5 cheeses (they kill me if I don't make it). lol and dove bread...
    For dessert I'm having a lemon citrus cheesecake with fresh berries as well as a double chocolate fudge swirl cake with ganache icing with marzipan and chocolate decorations on it. Lemon cookies balls rolled in powdered sugar, coffee and tea. I'm already tired just looking at that. lolol
    I so love holidays.:)
    Happy Holiday EVERYONE! :)

  27. Oh and I posted the giveaway on Facebook. Forgot to mention that. :)

  28. Hey Kathia, What a great giveaway! I'm not much of a cook but I am thinking about baking a cake :)

    We go to our parents house for Easter. We have to save room for 3 different houses.


  29. having my family for ham brunch then to my mother in laws for ham dinner........ ham ham and more ham :)

  30. I am cooking regular dinner just like every other year :) But we are doing a glow in the dark easter egg hunt :)

  31. Wow, the cookies are fantastic!!

    I'm visiting my family and having ham!!! :o)

    I'm going to make pb chocolate eggs too!

  32. We'll probably have something traditional with my family... ham, potato salad, beans... good stuff like that!

  33. The hatching chick is adorable! We are having ham and mashed and sweet potatoes. Having decorated Easter cookies as well as cherry pie for dessert. Also hopefully a nice egg hunt outdoors for the wee ones. Happy Easter! Thanks for chance for the book!

  34. I'm making Ham with a mustard onion sauce, mashed potatoes, broccoli, corn pudding, parker house rolls and fresh applesauce.

  35. I know tradition would have me make ham or a roast of some kind. But I really want to make cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Then . . . Probably lots of egg salad. :)

  36. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! Nothing too exciting for Easter- have been asked to bring a fruit tray and wine.

  37. I would love to have this book. I need some sweet things in my life, lol. We are having untraditional smoked ribs for Easter dinner.
    shelley at wildfrogcreations dot com

  38. NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING! We were invited to someone else's house this year!

  39. just hubby & I so not sure what we'll have
    Thanks for the giveaway

  40. Love the idea of using different cutters to create the shape you need, never occurred to me! We will be having a leg of lamb with garlic and rosemary. Yum!

  41. I'm baking cupcakes and cookies for Easter! My husband will be doing the dinnery part, I get the desserts!

  42. I am making a Spinach-Leek quiche and lemon squares
    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  43. Here in Australia I will be cooking for our family here and we will all be thinking of our family members in Washington DC. I will be cooking all the family favourites including Lemon Chicken, Potatoe bake, lots of vegetable side dishes and of course, a traditional Pavlova.
    I loooove your cooking skills and if I was lucky enough to win, I would want the book to be given to my daughter in law in DC so that she could also create some of these amazing goodies for my amazing grandchildren.
    Happy Happy Easter to you and your family
    Carol Sweetapple

  44. I will be making a traditional Easter ham dinner. We will be having baked sweet potatoes,
    green beans, and home-made rolls. I will also be making a cheesecake. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  45. first off, water splashed cookies (and I couldn't even tell at all btw...) are REAL LIFE which makes the rest of us living in the REAL WORLD with kids who spray water and dogs who run around and fart when company is over for dinner (yes, it was so embarrassing tonight)feel normal which even for a minute, is very very nice. I, of course own 5 copies of Sugarlicious and darn near almost sleep with one b/c I love it so much :)

    I so LOVE that egg with wings btw...most days I wish I had a set a wings to fly away.

    Hugs Trish

  46. On Easter my family usually make roast pork , devil eggs and a lot of dessert . Very cute cookies ... Thanks for the giveaway. Happy Easter for you & family

  47. I don't celebrate Easter, but for Passover I'm making matzo ball soup, a roast and an amazing no flour dessert.

  48. Since I'm from the islands, Sundays we always cook big, stew chicken, peas & rice, potato salad, macaroni pie, bbq chicken and for dessert something sweet.. thanx for the chance!

  49. Hi I will also be alone with only one of my sons and I think I will make some kind of fish just for us!

  50. I spent the weekend helping my mother-in-law cook. We had ham, mashed potatoes, 12-hour salad, apricot salad, baked creamed corn, rolls and SIX desserts!

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