Monday, November 29, 2010

Burberry Inspired Cake

This cake was a random order that came to me thanks to Amanda and the power of Tweeter. If you stop by the blog every now and then to see what I have been doing ,you might remember this cake, which took me hours to make but a sweet thank you from my client and great comments from you. Well, it happened that Amanda tweeted about my cake and 10 minutes later a got an email from one of Amanda's followers asking me for a cake similar to the Burberry purse I made. Miss client requested a rectangular shape cake with a Burberry pattern on the top.

I added the "belt" to give the cake a more masculine look ( cake was for a special Birthday boy).

I delivered the cake to New York City... on black Friday! I can complain, it was an easy trip ( it also gave the change to spend all the cake balance money on H&M)

Thank you for stopping by.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Snow Flakes Cookies

On Thanksgiving Day we had the first snow of the season, it wasn't that much but Camilla was over the moon excited about  it. She was acting like it was the first time she has seen it. I guess she doesn't remember that last year we had a blast playing out side, which is ok with me because she had a nasty cold after out "snow play date together"

I made these Snow Flake cookies back in October for Pam's Winter Wonderland photo shoot. Simple snow flakes cookies with shades of light blue and all the details are hand painted with gold luster dust. I hope you like them!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!


I hope you have a wonderful time with your families tomorrow...
and don't forget to enter the giveaway!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cake Boss Book review and giveaway

I am totally sure that by now the entire world knows who Cake Boss is. My love for cake decorating and learning new techniques has taken me to watch his show many times, I think that he and his staff are so talented. Buddy prides himself in that all of the shop's cakes and pastries are made from scratch, with no artificial flavorings or preservatives. I also love the fact that  he brings together his passion for baking and his high-energy family stories in the pages of this book complete with recipes and tips that will make every reader start baking.

I was lucky enough to be given a copy of the book for review and a giveaway from Free Press Publicity
and also a book to keep for myself ( thanks to the TLC Cake Crew organizers) .

This past weekend I decided to make Buddy's Red Velvet Cake, the recipe on his book calls for the use of shortening which I am not a fan of, but I have to say the cake was really good.

Would you like to win the book?

CAKE BOSS: The Stories and Recipes from Mia Famiglia (Free Press; November 2, 2010).

Just leave me a comment letting me know if you watch the show and what do you like about it? I am just curious.
The winner will be announce in this post on Monday Nov 29th.
Good luck and have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING !


Debra "Deb" Dresden Disney-Dior said...

I adore this show and LOVE every person who works in the bakery -- behind the counter and in the back/downstairs. What I love most about this family is the way they LOVE one another and the CRAZY pranks they pull on each other. It's sheer zaniness -- something like watching the "Three Stooges" only on a grander scale. I also LOVE how Buddy listens to his Mama. He's such a "good boy!" I would LOVE to win a copy of this book! Thank you!

November 26, 2010 5:46 PM

She is the giveaway winner, please contact me with your information so I can ship the book for you.

Thank you everyone for entering the giveaway.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Yorkie Puppy Cake

What do you think of my first Yorkie Puppy cake?
This was a class that I was so looking forward to go. I actually registered as soon as I got the email with all the summer classes, and I do not regret a minute of it. I learned new cake techniques and I also ate the cake, oh boy, he was really good. Chocolate chip cake with fresh strawberry buttercream. This is one of the classes where you really can't post lots of pictures, but here are some pics of the process. This cake is really easy to make, I am sure you can figure it out and you will be able to make your own.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Baby Minnie Mouse Cake

I hope you all had a great weekend, I am sorry I have been kind of MIA in your blogs but I am having such a busy days and nights!
My Goggle reader is about to explode!
Maybe you remember this cake I made a while back, well this baby Minnie Mouse cake is base on the same design. I made it on Saturday for a special little girl's birthday party.There is a big story behind this cake, including tears and hardwork ( from my part)  but all with a happy ending. I got a really nice feedback from my client, they really enjoyed and loved the cake, that makes it all worth it.

The first tier is white cake with my favorite chocolate mousse and the second tier is white butter cake also with oreos and cream buttercream.

I made the Minnie Mouse head and body using rice crispy treats, everything else is 50% gumpaste and 50% fondant.The #1 is all white gumpaste. When Minnie was done  and dry I dusted her with luster dust.

Well I hope you like it at and have a great week everyone.

Friday, November 12, 2010

New York City Cake and Cupcakes Favors

This is a New York City theme cake that I made for a birthday party this week. The cake is vanilla buttermilk  filled with chocolate mousse. My clients didn't really want a lot of NY details, they just wanted black buildings, a few taxi cabs and a doll with long curl hair. They were working with black, white and shades of pink colors and didn't want anything else to crash with the color palette they were using.
I made the "buildings" using  50% gumpaste and 50% fondant, they were dried as rock when I attached them to the cake. I baked, frosted and decorated the whole cake in 2 nights. In case you are wondering... yes, I just slept for a few hours. 
The doll is made of gumpaste, I consider her an improvement from my last doll, no links because I do not want you to see it ;). Everything is hand made, I made her hair with the help of a tooth pick,
I love tooth picks!

 Did I mention that I also baked, frosted and packed 100 cupcakes favors for the same event?
The cupcakes were vanilla buttermilk with pink frosting
 and black polka dots.
I baked and frosted the cupcakes in a few hours and I was lucky that one of my friends volunteer to come and helped me pack them. Without her help, I might be still packing them at this point. 
 Well, have a nice weekend everyone, thank you for stopping by.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Cupcakes, fudgy brownies and a yummy Giveaway

I am not a fan of  baking mixes, and please do not get mad at me! If a box has more than 14-15 ingredients in which half of them I have no clue how to pronounce,I kind of get scare. I love to bake from scratch, but sometimes we are so busy and we do not have the time to shift or measure and we want to go the easy but still nutritious way.

Have you heard of Naturally Nora?
Their products  are made entirely from all natural ingredients. No artificial flavors, colors, preservatives or hydrogenated oils. They also can be prepared dairy or soy-free and are kosher. Now we are talking!

I made cupcakes using the vanilla cake mix and the result were moist and fluffy cupcakes. The frosting was really good and not too sweet.

And if you are a chocolate lover, the Fudgy Brownie mix is for you. I added to my brownie mix 1 cup of cream cheese, I just love the combination of chocolate and  cream cheese. The brownies tasted delicious and  they were moist and not too rich.

 Naturally Nora send me a big box of goodies and they also want to send some your way, I even added a packet of regular and mini cupcakes liners along with a 1M tip so you can frost your cupcakes or your cake.

To enter the giveaway for a box of goodies from Naturally Nora:

-Visit Naturally Nora and leave a comment here with the mix you would like to try,
-For an EXTRA entry, like Naturally Nora on Facebook and leave a separate comment letting me know that you did.

Giveaway is open for residents of the US only.
Winner will have 48 hours to respond  with shipping info,if no response, another winner will be chosen .
A winner will be randomly chosen and announce in this post on Friday Nov 12.
Good luck everyone !
Opinions about the cake mixes are mine and I was not paid to write this post.


Cara Lee said...

I love to bake from scratch, but I am a sucker for box brownies!
 I'd love to try Nora's brownie mix :)
Thank you so much everyone for entering the giveaway!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Burberry Purse Cake

A few weeks ago I got a request for a Burberry purse cake, I asked my client if she had the real bag and if I could borrow it so I could make the cake as similar as possible.
Well, it was my first time making this purse and I was very happy with the results. I got this amazing tool- which I will share with you all the details in another post- that helped me when I was trying to accomplish the plaid design.

These are a few more details for you to see. The buckle, tag and other zipper details I made it using gumpaste and them I painted them with silver luster dust. The zipper "look" I made it using a zipper mold.

I actually tried something new with this cake: I steamed it, yes, totally following Cake Boss instructions.
Here you can see the cake before the steam

And this is how the cake looked after, I loved the shine!

Have a great weekend and I thank you for stopping by.
Make sure you come back next week, I will be having an awesome giveaway from a sponsor that you won't want to miss.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pictures from my "amateur cake friends"

I always get questions from people asking me how I do certain details on a cake, or how I can make a specific cake. ( I am omitting the part that instead of getting questions I also get nasty emails critiquing my work, my spelling, my grammar, etc)
I always try to help as much as I can, sometimes , well most of the time, I am way too busy and I do not have time to send all the instruction for a project but I direct them the best I can.
I think it was last week that I got and email from A and F from the UK asking me for help making this Castle Cake that I made a few months ago. The first thing I asked then is if they new how to work with fondant and other cake related skills, they didn't but were going to get help from someone else.
I send them an email with a few instructions and wish them good luck

Now, this is the cake I made

And this is the cake A and F did . I think they did and amazing job, and they also send me the nicest email which I thought was really funny and wanted you all to read it.

Hi Kathia,

Do you remember us mad English women who saw your fantastic castle cake and wanted to have a go. Well we did it!! It took us 2 days but we managed to finish it yesterday. It’s obviously not as fab as yours but not too bad for a couple of amateurs who have never made a novelty cake before. Thank you soooo much for your help you are awesome!

And then M from California contacted me because she was going to celebrate a birthday party and wanted to know if I can send her some pink elephant cupcake toppers. Unfortunately, I have ship a few toppers before and they always lose a body part on their way :(  and nobody wants to see a baby Elephant missing a leg, or the trunk.I made a little picture tutorial and send it to M so she could make her own toppers.

This is my own topper

And this is the one the M did, I think they are adorable and came out really cute

 Do you like to help people when they ask about your own cakes, cookies, cupcakes or any other dessert/food related question?

Monday, November 1, 2010

CSN Stores Review and more to come!

HAPPY NOVEMBER...everyone! So many fun things are coming to my blog this month, you won't want to miss them.

To start, I have gotten an awesome offer and I am taking it!
Do you know that CSN Stores has over 200 online stores where you can find everything from contemporary coffee tables to fantastic bakeware and anything you can imagine for your house? Their selection is amazing and they offer items in a variety of price ranges, so there really is something for every budget. And best of all, they offer free shipping on most everything!
Don't you just love free shipping? I've shopped with them a number of occasions and I'm consistently pleased with each purchase

This time CSN Stores  is sponsoring Pink Little Cake by sending me a gift certificate to spend on any item I want. Of course I will go straight to the bakeware area and get something, anything special that you would want to see reviewed?  

I am so excited about being able to pass on some recommendations to you.
Stay tune this week, I have fun cakes to share with you.